Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fun With Migration Assistant~

HAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHA. HA. So this blogging thing. I really suck at it, huh. I was pretty alright for a couple of months there, but then what. Oh well, on with the show!

I really want to blog more often, though, because I absolutely love typing on my Macbook. I love it. The keys are so nice and not too loud and ahhh. It's really satisfying to type on this keyboard, ok. Of course, I love my Macbook in general. It's my baby! However, that's not to say there haven't been a couple of lows... unfortunately. In the few weeks I've had my baby I've learnt a few things. The first being; no matter how old or new your system is, you are guaranteed to spend more time fixing glitches, crying and pulling you hair out over The Sims 3 than actually playing the damn game. That's a fault of the Sims, more specifically EA, not my Macbook. Secondly, I'm not actually a huge fan of the organisation of files and such on the Macbook. Awkward, because the ease and tidiness of organisation was a pull factor towards Mac for me. I don't know how to explain it, exactly, it's just different than my desktop Mac computer, which is much older so that probably has something to do with it. It just doesn't appear as tidy and straight-forward on my Macbook. I really don't like how when you open Finder is opens with 'All My Files'. I don't want to see all my files at once. I want to see nice, alphabetically ordered folder icons with Music, Documents, Downloads and so on. Again, that probably isn't a fault on Apple's behalf, I guess it's more of my anal attitude towards things being organized and organizing my junk. [UPDATE] Ok just ignore that last problem, I figured out how to get things the way I want them. I love it now. Another kind of annoying thing is that I haven't figured out a way to get my photos of my iPod onto my laptop. Now, again, that may just be a fault on my behalf, but it certainly isn't as easy as it is on a PC. And I'm not the only one with this issue. It is quite a big issue for me, because I take almost all my photos on my iPod, and I want to upload them to places, like here or my Facebook. [UPDATE] Also ignore this problem, I know how to do it easily now. So basically, just ignore this entire paragraph lolol.

The most important, and pressing thing I've discovered though is when you set up your Macbook for the first time, and you are given the choice to use Migration Assistant then or do it later once you're set up, DO IT STRAIGHT AWAY, DO NOT CONTINUE SET UP UNTIL IT'S DONE. It can lead to a lot of issues if you chose to do it later. Me being completely impatient, I decided that I would just do it later. Because when it gives you the option in set up, it doesn't outline that if you chose to migrate after set up, it could cause some annoying problems. It really should say, while you can do it later it is highly recommended that you do so now. Unfortunately, I learned the hard way. So when I got around to migrating all my junk from my PC to my Macbook a couple of weeks after getting it, everything seemed to be going smoothly. My first choice was to use an external drive, but for some reason my external drive wouldn't register on my PC. So I chose to do it through wireless network. So yeah, that all worked and it took a few hours. But then when I went to try and find my files on my Macbook, they were nowhere to be seen. I googled it and found out that using Migration Assistant AFTER set up, will often mean that it will create a new user on your Macbook. In short, rather than just transferring your chosen data from one computer, it transfers your account. Sort of. So I ended up with this unwanted user on my Macbook, and the worst thing was that it was locked by a password, that I was unaware of. I tried everything to get into the account and get my stuff, but no matter what people suggested it wouldn't work. Yeah, changing the password in System Preferences didn't work. In the end, after some playing around, I found a way to unlock and access the file folders in that user from my actual user, and I transferred all the files into my account and deleted the unwanted user. I thought my problems were over there, but nope. That would be too simple. While the problem I'm experiencing now isn't exactly a huge issue, it's annoying nonetheless. I had all my images arranged into folders (e.g I had an LM.C folder, and SuG folder, a Golden Bomber folder etc.), and luckily they still existed after the transfer, but now whenever I want to put new images in those folders, I have to 'authorize' or 'authenticate' or whatever it is, byt typing in my password. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. It's getting really, really tiresome, because I'm always finding new images and such. Also, it took ALL of my music out of it's similarly arranged folders, so I was left with 3000+ individual songs to arrange back into albums/artists and whatever.

So I resolved to just delete everything that I transferred using Migration Assistant, and re-transfer it all again, the manual way. I borrowed my dad's external device thing, which has tonnes of space. It all worked just fine, and even took less time than Migration Assistant, which was surprising. So I would say just do it the manual way. It's much easier and less stressful.

Oh, sorry, this just turned into one big, rambly technology post. My bad. Um. I'll post again within the next couple of days with some of what's been going on in my life. Don't get too excited, it really isn't that interesting. And there isn't very much of it. Derpderp social vegetable okay.

Now Playing - デコトラの星☆ (Deco-tora no hoshi) by シンディケイト (Cindykate)

Monday, November 26, 2012

I'm Such An Apple Snob~

Whoo, alright, so I guess it's been a little while huh. It seems my blogging is becoming more and more irregular. Oh well~

So not much has happened in my life since my last post. I think the most important thing, to me, would be getting my new baby! By baby I mean my new MacBook Pro awww yissss. I chose a Mac because of personal preference, having used both PC and Mac. My previous laptop was PC, so I decided that I wanted a Mac this time. I just prefer Mac, mostly because I personally find it to be more user-friendly. Everything is so visual and straight-forward. And let's be honest here, they just look and feel so much nicer. So yeah, I'm an Apple snob. But I'm not denying that it's not perfect. My standpoint on the whole PC vs. Mac debate is PC = Mac. Both have their pros and cons, benefits and drawbacks. In the end, it really comes down to what it is you want to use it for, and of course your own personal preference.

So, this is my first blog post using my baby! I'm absolutely loving it, it's a really brilliant computer. I went for the older MacBook, without retina display. This was for a few reasons. The first, is that retina display isn't really that important to me, as it's more aimed at people who want to use their computer for graphic design, photo editing etc. All that kind of stuff. I'm just a regular user, I don't really do anything of that kind, so I didn't think I needed to pay a shit load extra for it. Secondly, the MacBooks with retina display have flash drive storage, rather than hard drive, which means that they were generally smaller in terms of space. I need quite a lot of space, as and avid Sims 3 player. Also, the newer MacBooks don't have disc drives, which would render it completely useless to me. If I went for the retina display, I would have had to pay at least $1000 extra, for a computer with less space and no disc drive. I would eventually have to buy an external hard drive and disc drive for it, which would really add up. So, older MacBook it is! I don't really care about whether or not it's old or new, so long as it works and does what I need it to do. It was actually an very early Christmas present from my parents. Honestly, I really have the best parents in the world. I am so thankful, so incredibly grateful. I love you mum and dad!

Oh, I guess another important thing that has happened would be finishing my exams, and thus ending my academic life at high school. I just have to go back in for a bit on the 6th December, for some admin kind of stuff, and then after that I never have to set foot in my high school again~ I still don't really know how to feel about it all. My exams just came and went, I never really felt stressed or nervous about them. I just turned up, did my best in the exams and left. Before I knew it they were all over, and now I'm sitting here not really knowing what to think or what to do. I know I should get off my butt and look for a job, but I just get so anxious whenever I think about it. And besides, I just finished my exams on Friday. I'm allowed to just take a break from it all, right? What's so wrong about that? Ah... I'm such a terrible person. Well, at least give me a couple of weeks to just relax. I'll start looking for a job soon. Maybe.

I only have one more thing to say and that is OH MY GOD ACE'S NEW SINGLE ELEMENTA ALCHEMICA IS ABSOLUTELY, 100% PERFECT. I have never heard such a well composed piece of music in my life. It's stunning, completely brilliant from beginning to end, all fourty minutes of it. ACE have really outdone themselves on this one. I've already exhausted my fangirling and now my mind is in a state of numbness, it's just so amazing. I keep listening to it, over and over again. I'd say my favourite movement is probably Wind, but all movements are wonderful. I'm actually a little disappointed that I missed out on getting a copy of it. I really wanted the limited edition, but CDJapan sold out before I could get it. I'm gonna keep my eye on Closet Child CD, and if it comes up, I'm grabbing it. I really, really want a physical copy of this single. Because it is honestly nothing short or a masterpiece.

And that's all for today. I'm out~

Now Playing - Elementa Alchemica by ACE

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I'm Just A Dirty Pervert~

Whooo, after my post with the GENERATION download, my page views have gone up considerably... Oh well, back to my normal, boring, hardly viewed posts now~ ^^;;

So what's up with me lately... give me a second to think about that. Uhh... really, not much has happened. Surprised? I'm not. I don't tend to lead the most exciting of lives. I guess, the most note-worthy thing that has happened recently is how I finished high school last week. Wednesday was my last ever day at high school. Yeah, it hasn't really hit me yet. I don't think it will, to be honest. I feel like that part of my life will just blur into the distance. I don't feel particularly happy or sad about it. I guess my feeling is indifference. I'm not really bothered by it too much. Of course, I have people that I will really miss seeing every day, namely my Japanese friends who will be returning to Japan very soon. I'm actually getting kinda depressed just writing about them... But it's not like I'm depressed about leaving my school. Honestly, I really didn't enjoy my time at high school. This past year in particular has been a real drag. I'm not going to miss going at all, and I certainly won't miss having to put up with judgemental, ignorant and just straight-up irritating fuck-wits everyday. There are by far more people that I couldn't stand at my school compared to those that I actually liked. Hopefully I never have to see/deal with them again though, and this thought makes me rather happy. I can't be bothered writing more about how I feel about it right now though, I haven't really figured out my feelings myself yet. Maybe there'll be more to come on the subject later.

Err... so, me and my friend went for a picnic of sorts on Saturday. I suppose that's something interesting that happened? Interesting by my standards, anyway... //foreversocialvegetable
We just got drinks from a tea place called Hulu Cat, although ironically neither of us got tea... we both chose slushies, because it was really hot that day. Then we got bakery food and went up to the park. Even though there were quite a few people there, it was still really quiet and relaxing.

My friend had strawberry with grape jelly, I had mango with green apple jelly~

It was a good day ^^

And of course, the mandatory photo in the bathroom mirror. It's like a requirement of being female, or something. 
Ehehe, excuse the derp emanating from us both. 

Then at night we went with my brother to another tea house called Momo Tea, to meet up with her sister + sister's boyfriend + our friend Yumika. And again, ironically neither of us got tea! It had a taro milkshake with pearls, and she had grape natta. Yeah, she likes grape. I didn't get any photos of that though. After that, we went to this thing called Art in the Dark. It was in some park and there were all these light effects and weird things going on. Honestly though, I wouldn't call it art. It was more like technology in the dark. Shining a light in a tree and making it change colour isn't art. Hanging some nice smelling lanterns in trees isn't art. Projecting things onto a building isn't art. It was just a whole bunch of technology. So it was kind of disappointing, but hey, it was something to do. And that's all~

So I suppose I'd better get around to talking about what inspired the title of this post, as so far it hasn't been explained, and I've already rambled a lot. I have been spending WAY too much time on reading err, inappropriate materials -cough-yaoi-cough-... Seriously though, I'll start with a oneshot, and once I finish it will suggest a whole bunch of similar stories for me to read, and most of them are oneshots or really short, like two volume series. So I just end up reading random stories for ages, it's a never ending cycle. I like to chose the ones with the 'smut' tag... BECAUSE I'M A DIRTY GOOD FOR NOTHING PERVERT, OKAY. I'll admit it. Reading smutty yaoi is now one of my most time consuming hobbies. I was supposed to dedicate today to studying, but I decided that I'd just read one or two stories, and then bam! I'd spent four hours reading yaoi and the only reason I stopped was because I hadn't eaten anything at all today and my insides were crying. Just like my brain. My brain is soiled, and now all I can think about is yaoi. Okay, that's an exaggeration. It's more like, my brain is a pendulum, that swings between fangirling over bands and feeling ashamed but somehow regretting nothing about my perverted desire to read shit loads of yaoi. Although, I do also think about shopping a lot, online of course, but I never get very far with that because there always comes the point where I realise that I have no money. So yeah. To fill my void, I read yaoi. Good to know... 

Ehh this post has been a weird mix of things huh. I'll finish here. Okay. See you~

Now Playing - A Blueberry Night by LM.C 

Friday, November 9, 2012

FEST VAINQUEUR - GENERATION [Album] [2012.10.17]

Sorry guys, it wasn't working cause I hadn't validated my Mediafire account. Sorrrrrrry, I'm an idiot. ><
So now I've validated, it should work fine. I'll try it myself just to make sure, though.

What's up~
Just a quick post here to provide a download link for FEST VAINQUEUR's 1st concept album, GENERATION!

I bought my own physical copy of this album, and this is MY upload. Please feel free to share and distribute it, but don't forget to credit me, or at the very least, don't claim it as yours. 

This is my first time uploading something, so if it doesn't work I apologise. If there is something not quite right, please tell me and I will try my best to fix it. 
Also, because I use iTunes, the files are in .m4a format. I'm sorry if this will be a problem for anyone! ><

It really is a fantastic album, so after you give it a listen, and if you can find the money, I really recommend that you buy it yourself! Come on guys, support this awesome band!
Just in case there is some confusion, Outbreak [Disc 1] is all new, all original FEST VAINQUEUR songs. Timeless [Disc 2] is covers of songs that deeply influenced the members. 

That's all I want to say, so without further ado, here it is! Enjoy!

Outbreak [Disc 1]
1. Kiseki no Tsubasa
2. Invisible
3. Evil Disco ~somnambulism~
4. Σ-sigma-

Timeless [Disc 2]
1. Romanc
3. Atsukunare
4. Kanojo no "Modern..."
5. I Don't Want To Miss A Thing

Download Link

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Armageddon Expo~!

Ahhh, damn. It's been a while since I blogged. I don't even have a decent excuse this time. In short, the reason is laziness. I'm not sure why, but recently I've been feeling extremely lethargic, even more so than usual. Everything just takes so much effort, it's so tiring. I come home from school completely exhausted every day. I wake up in the morning not feeling any better. I guess it's because it's almost the end of an extremely busy year, and my final exams are coming up, and it all seems a bit much at the moment. Not that I'm actually stressing about anything, weirdly, I'm the complete opposite. I feel so chill. I think that comes with the laziness, haha. I should actually be stressing right now, though, because my first exam is in just under three weeks, and I've done minimal, if not zero, study. At least if I were stressed, I'd be putting more pressure on myself to study. Then I'd do it. Right now though, I'm just like whatever maaaan. Ehehe... Alright, alright, I'll get serious about studying... in the weekend.

So a lot has happened since my last post. Well, as much that could happen to a social recluse/vegetable like myself. It's mostly all stuff that is personal to me, though, that didn't require the need to leave the comfort of my home. Oh well! I guess the biggest thing that happened was Armageddon Expo 2012, so I'm dedicating  the rest of this post to it.

It was fantastic! Armageddon, like I've said, is about the closest my country gets to a convention. It's got gaming, comics, anime and pretty much everything geek. So I feel right at home there. It's on for three days, and usually I just go for one, but this year I decided to go for two. I think next year I'm gonna get the full three day pass, it's that wonderful. I got to wear my Gachapin kigurumi!

(Please ignore my derp XD)

My friend wore her Totoro kigurumi! (Again, ignore the derp)

It was really fun to wear, and I got asked for lots of pictures with people! At first I was a little shocked, cause I've never had someone ask me for a photo before. That's probably because I've only ever been in my normal clothes. So that was a really interesting experience! I also asked  people for photos, cause while there weren't many, there were some really cool cosplays there! My favourite person who I got a photo with was this Japanese guy. I'm not sure how old he was or what he was cosplaying, but he was so sweet and adorable I just had to have a photo with him!

Isn't he sweet? (Yet again, I am incapable of taking photos without looking horrendously derp)

This was my other favourite. ISN'T. SHE. PRECIOUS? She was the cutest cosplayer/girl I've ever seen! She was really shy, so she didn't want to look at me when I took the photo. XD

This is my friend (the Totoro girl) on the second day, with the Ice King! It was a pretty good cosplay! There were heeeeaps of Finn + Fionas, but there was also a really good Flame Princess which unfortunately I didn't get a photo of. ><

There were two giant Rilakkumas!(?)

We got photos with them later, they were dancing to Gangnam Style when we found them XD

I spent lots of money in those two days... I bought 12 volumes of manga, and three anime DVDs. But it was so worth it! I also ate too much McDonalds... it was only a 15minute walk from the venue, and all the food at the venue was way overpriced! I did do lots of walking though, so that makes up for it right? Both days were early starts, and we spent the entire day there (we were there both days until 5pm!) I had such a great time though, so I don't even care about that. There were so many people, it was so packed and noisy and crazy. Usually I'd hate that kind of thing, but I really loved it. I love being there. I feel like it's the one place where I actually belong, where I fit in. It's a place where it's okay to be myself. 

So of course, now I'm left with that depressed feeling, and the thought that it's going to be a whole year until I can go again. I'm already thinking of what I want to go as next year. At first I was thinking I would just wear my kigu again, with a different coloured wig, but then I started thinking... I really want to do a Kyary Pamyu Pamyu cosplay for Fashion Monster. I probably won't be able to manage it in the end, and there's no way I could really pull it off, I mean, apart from Kyary herself, who could? I would probably look silly... but it's just a thought! Who knows, it could turn out okay, right?

And that brings me to the end of my Armageddon blog post. It was fun! Next time I'll talk about the other things that have happened in the past two weeks, but really, they all just pale in comparison to the wonder that was Armageddon.

Now Playing - Demo Demo Mada Mada by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Beautyfool Days~

So I feel like in light of recent news, a blog post is mandatory.

The news is SuG's hiatus and leaving PSC. Yes, really, I am going to talk about it. And yes, really, I am sad about it. Of course I am. SuG is one of my absolute favourite bands, I wouldn't be who I am now if it weren't for them. Plus, the news was so sudden and out of the blue. So please, allow me my right to be a little upset about it. Imagine if your favourite band suddenly announced that they were going on hiatus. While you know it's not a disbandment, it still hurts. Even though they promise to return, it still leaves you feeling uncertain. Especially when they put the word 'indefinite' before it. I honestly never expected it from SuG. Never. I would have been less surprised if they had announced a disbandment, to be honest. I would be even more distraught, but it's something that I know a lot of SuG fans have been worrying about. Although, I didn't really, and still don't think that they'll disband any time soon. But a hiatus is something I really never expected them to pull. From the translations of the blog posts and the notice on the HP, Takeru believes that if SuG continues the way they are now then they would be betraying themselves and the fans. My interpretation is that means that they no longer felt like they were being true to themselves in what they were producing. Which is fair enough. If the band feels that what they are doing isn't what they want anymore, then they should do whatever they need to put themselves in a better place. When I first read the news I had just been woken up at 7am, after six hours sleep, so it probably seemed a lot worse to me than it was. I was in shock. I did actually cry. That could have just been the lack of sleep playing it's part though... Now that I've had more time to think about it, and read more on the subject, I'm starting to feel much more positive about it. Of course, there's still uncertainty and sadness, but I believe we should look at it as a good thing. SuG are standing up for themselves against PSC. Maybe, and this is just my thoughts, PSC were holding SuG back, and not allowing them to do what they wanted to their fullest extent. And I can see where SuG are coming from. I can't actually explain my thoughts and feelings anymore than this. I can't seem to find the right words.

But I do know, that no matter what, I will wait for SuG. I will ALWAYS support them, with my whole heart and soul. While I don't exactly 100% trust Takeru to not go off and do his own thing, I know that SuG is the most important thing to him. It is also clearly very important to the rest of the members. It seems the desicion wasn't exactly easy on them. My heart broke when I read the translation of Shinpei's comment! So I believe that they will keep their promise to us, and come back alive and kicking. I really hope that the new SuG will actually be more like the old SuG. It seems Takeru wants to get back in touch with their whole thing of 'Heavy Positive Rock'. Which I take as a good sign! So let's support the boys, and wait patiently for their return, for even more crazy, fun, imperfect beautyfool days!

Sorry, this entire post is more just a way for me to try and sort out my feelings towards the whole thing. It worked too, so I regret nothing. My head is in a better space about it all now. ^^

Now Playing - Room by SID

Monday, October 1, 2012

What's Up~?

Listening to Called≠Plan. Damn they're great. I can't wait to hear their new stuff, 'V-Rap Style', was it? The preview of the single sounds awesome. Although, I was under the impression that they would be changing the band name. Not that I mind, I like Called≠Plan. I would like to know what it means, though... where did they come up with it? Oh, and the new drummer is a sweetie, isn't he? Actually, C≠P is just a band full of ikemen OHGOD I USED A JAPANESE WORDS FUCK SORRY I MEANT GOOD LOOKING DUDES. I don't like to use random Japanese words, so I'm sorry about that. Anyway, what I mean is that they're all very aesthetically appealing men... Ehh, I'm trying to describe it without being all fangirlish, but it feels too unnatural  So I'm going to stop trying to sound sensible and mature here now. I mean they're sexy. Like, fuck are they sexy. I have strong feelings towards Yuuto in particular, holy damn, I would. Even just listening to his voice through my headphones is just hnnnnn. Plus, he's actually a really sweet guy! I'm not sure if it's true, but he said that he doesn't smoke or drink alcohol. I think the part about him smoking is legit, but I dunno if he actually doesn't drink. I've convinced myself that it is true, though, because it makes me feel more comfortable about my own choices to not drink or smoke. I can feel really lonely sometimes because of it, and I feel like I'll never meet anyone else like me, but when I think how Yuuto could be the same, it makes me feel stronger. And when I read that, I fell in love with him. Of course, not real love because I don't actually know him, but you know what I mean, right? Also, at first I never used to find Rei attractive, mainly because of his smoking, but in his latest blog post I've just been like well fuCK ME SIDEWAYS. And of course, Syu is always sexy. Ehehehe, sorry about this fangirling here! I didn't actually intend to talk about them this much, but I got carried away... and now I've forgotten what else I was going to talk about!

So, it's holiday time here, and you know what that means? It's time for me to request a fucktonne of manga to catch up on! Awww yisssssss. The way this works is, during the school term, I generally don't read much manga, unless I happen to be at the library and find one I am interested in. So when it comes to the break, I request and read as much manga as I can. I just finished requesting a whole bunch of manga from my library! Hopefully I'll get most of them by Friday. I currently have 24 requested. I feel a little awkward, because that is a lot of books, but I read them very quickly, and I honestly have nothing else to do for the next two weeks, so I'm going to read as much as I can. This is how my holiday reading is looking so far;

  • Haruka: Beyond the Stream of Time vol. 12
  • The Devil Does Exist vol. 10
  • Love Com vol. 9
  • Gakuen Alice vol. 14
  • Mixed Vegetables vol. 5
  • Hana-Kimi vol. 9
  • Loveless vol. 9 (Finally! Been waiting for this for months! This series was my first exposure to the wonders of BL, and I'm so excited to read it I actually can't wait~)
  • B.O.D.Y. vol. 6
  • Black Butler vol. 9
  • Bakuman vol.2
  • Library Wars vol. 2 (This one is looking to be a good one!)
  • The Tyrant Falls In Love vol.3 (Hehehe... >///<)
  • Fullmetal Alchemist vol.7
  • Honey Hunt vol.3 
  • The Story of Saiunkoku vol.2
  • Hetalia vol.2
  • Naruto vol. 8 (Shhh I love Naruto ok XD)
  • Psyren vol.2 (This one is really interesting! I've only read one volume, but I really recommend it! It's almost like Gantz... But waaaay less violent and explicit.)
  • Sand Chronicles vol. 4
  • Wild Ones vol. 2
  • Heaven!! Vol. 2
  • Ouran High School Host Club vol. 6 (Already read Ouran twice, but I'm reading it again)
  • Crimson Hero vol. 3
  • Girl Got Game vol. 1 (Requested this because it's the same artist as Love Attack! and Heaven!! Love her stories, especially her take-no-shit-from-anyone main girl characters)
Yeah, most are shoujo. I've already been over this, I'm a shoujo junkie. There are a couple that aren't shoujo  though. Not that it matters to me. I regret nothing, and I have nothing to hide. Except for The Tyrant Falls In Love, the only yaoi and 18+ manga on there. But I'll only hide that from my parents and most people I know in real life.... I'm a little worried that when I go to check it out from the library, they'll see on my account that I'm not 18, and ask me to get it out from the front desk or something. Usually I use the self checkouts... I don't want them to see it, because even the cover of it is obviously guy love... Oh well, if they do I just won't get it out. I'll read it online instead. XD

I also plan to watch as much Naruto as possible these holidays, to finally fill in all the gaps in my knowledge once and for all. No, I haven't seen every single episode. I've seen large chunks, but there are also chunks that I haven't watched yet. So I'm hoping to watch all of the original series. As for Shippuden, well... I'll say that I'm quite a way behind on that one... maybe next holidays I'll try catch up on that...

Oh wait, my next holiday isn't really a holiday. Because after this break, I only have three more weeks left of high school. Then it's three weeks of studying and final exams, and then... I'm free? My school life will be over until I go to Uni... but it's not really the same kind of student. Wow. Shit. Ok. It hadn't quite hit home yet. I still don't think it has. I just can't imagine not being at school anymore. I know I say that I hate it and everyone there, but honestly I'm not looking forward to leaving. Because there are people I will miss. Mostly, the Japanese students who have been here for two years and who I have become friends with. Also because, I'm gonna have to grow up. And I definitely don't want to do that. Ahh, I guess I'll think about all that when the time comes. No point worrying about it now. 

I'll leave it at that today. I'm still not happy with how my writing is... I feel like it will be painful for people to read. I'm sorry, and as always, I'll try harder next time~!

NP - I sing for you by THE KIDDIE (I love this song and band so much omfg)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Wow, it's been what, three weeks since I posted last? Something like that. To be honest, I'm not even sorry. I don't really have a good reason why, either. Forever a useless blogger... XD
Since my last post, which I just reread and am now shuddering with embarrassment over how much of a loser I am, I've still been feeling a little down every now and then, but overall I'd say I'm feeling more like myself. I've been feeling pretty happy with most things. But I didn't want to post for a while. I'm not really sure, but I just didn't want to. I wanted to sort out the weird slump that I was in and come back with a fresh attitude. I'm trying to be more positive about things. It's hard, seriously. I've been so negative about everything for so long, it's hard to just turn that off. I don't think I ever will, really. I just want to be able to look at things in a more positive light. So I'll keep working at that. 
I guess another reason for my lack of blog is for this past week I've had practise exams at school, so I was studying hard for those. Nerd alert. I don't know why I studied quite so hard for them, as it was just practise for the end of year exams, but I did and I kind of wore myself out. Honestly though, I think it's because I hate the feeling of failing. I feel like when I don't pass with good grades, even if its just a practise exam, then I'm letting people down. Not only myself, but my parents and especially my teachers. I feel like I wasted their time. Seriously, I respect four out of five of my teachers a lot, they're really intelligent people who genuinely care for my education. The fifth one, well, I don't think he gives two fucks, but hey. He's fun to have as a teacher for a subject that I don't care about. Anyway, my last one was on Thursday last week.  Overall, I think I did okay. There are some subjects that I could have done better in, but I certainly could have done worse! Wait, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Also, for a couple of weeks before last week I was also studying. So yeah. 
Lastly, and mainly, I'd say it's just because I'm lazy, and frankly I find myself to be an extremely boring person. I just never really had anything interesting to say. Honestly, I still don't. I'm just rambling here, and I will continue to do so for the rest of this post, and all the posts to come. I hope there is at least one person who finds my ramblings interesting, or just likes to read to laugh at me, or just to be a mind-numbing distraction from something. I'm happy to be anything you need! Feel free to laugh at me or numb your overworked mind. ^^

So I'm hoping to get a job interview really soon. I need one. I've already talked about the place where I applied, and my friend who works there said that her manager is going to start calling in lots of people for interviews over the next few days. I'm crossing all my fingers and toes hoping that I'm one of those people. My friend also put in good word for me, so hopefully that'll up my chances. I really hope I get the job, and I don't mean to sound full of myself here at all, but I should have a pretty good chance of getting it. It's like, the lowest place to start in terms of part time jobs, right alongside working in a supermarket. They hire anyone if they need to. Plus, if you'd seen the kinds of people that they have working there already, then I seem like a pretty good choice. That's saying something, right?

I really wanna buy FEST VAINQUEUR's new album! I really love them, their music has a really good energy. If I got it from CDJapan, so long as I got first press, it would come with a signed poster! Eeeeep! This is one reason why I desperately need a job... I am also quite interested in buying Mejibray's new single Emily, but then I think I'll wait for another full album release from them. I've known of Mejibray for a while, and I always thought their music was really good, but I've only just started really listening to them a lot recently, as in the past couple of months. And I know this is going to make me sound really noobish, but I'm still not over the fact that MiA used to be in Toon Factory. I liked MiA before I knew he was MiA. I really liked Toon Factory, but then it turned out that they had disbanded like, a month before I got into them. So I didn't really keep up with them or what the members were up to. Then Mejibray and then MiA and then whaaaaa. Now that I think about it though, Toon Factory started out all oshare and colourful, but they did become darker in look and sound towards the end. So maybe its not so weird that MiA ended up in Mejibray. And it seems that he is really enjoying every minute of being in Mejibray, which is great. He's such a wonderful musician.

Still on the topic of music that I really want to buy but seriously lack the money for. THE KIDDIE have another album coming out! Two in one year! They're really on a roll! And of course, me being an uber KIDDIE fangirl for life, I have to get it. I don't care if I have to sponge of my parents to get it. I'm just waiting for CDJapan to list it, and then that baby is mine. Awww yisssss. I just have one problem, though... Yusa's new hair. What in the world was he thinking?! It's awful! I just can't even deal... What's he going to do when he is just dressing casually, say, to go to the supermarket or something? He's going to have this ridiculous looking fringe thing going on. Oh well, I hope, for his sake at least, that his hair grows out fast.
And there's more! UNiTE, new album. I adore UNiTE. And I don't have any physical copies of their music yet, so I really want this album too. Also, Mix Speaker's,Inc. are releasing a new album. I don't have any of their CDs either, so I want that tooooo. PLUS, oh this just keeps getting better and better (both in a serious and sarcastic way), LM.C are releasing a new single! Which, because LM.C are my favourite band in the whole world forever, I want desperately. I'm pretty sure that there was a couple of other things, but these are the ones I want the most as of right now, this day. Oh can you imagine what this is going to do to my parents wallets? This is exactly why I want a job, because I want all these things, but I can't possibly ask my parents to buy all that. I need to be able to get things like this for myself. I'll feel okay with asking my parents to buy me necessary things, like socks or toothpaste, but when it comes to things like music or expensive clothes, I really want to be able to get them with my own work and money.

Last thing for today, as I just remembered something else on my want list, BURU2! SuG's Takeru x Kera book. I have the first one, and it consistently makes me so happy. Even if I can't read it, just flicking through and looking at the photos, seeing Takeru's beautiful face on almost every page. Thinking about how much I love, and am thankful to him for. So I would really like to get BURU2, for sentimental reasons more than anything.

Yup. So it turns out that this post was just me updating, or whining, take your pick, about all the things I want right now. This second half of the year has been just as packed, if not more, than the first in terms of music releases! But I'm not complaining. New music just means that the bands I love are doing okay. That's the way I see it, anyway.

I'm really sorry for this long and shit post. I realise it is completely boring and lacking in flow. My writing is crap right now, plus I'm really tired today. As always, I'll try to do better next time!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Boiling Point

I'm feeling kind of down about myself at the moment. I feel like I'm always going to be this plain, boring nobody. Everyone on the internet is so good at fashion and then I'm just here like umm I have this sweater which is kind of cool and sometimes my eyeliner turns out semi-okay. Or they're really great at crafting and making things, or art or music. Or all of the above. Ahh, I dunno. I'm being an idiot. It's probably because I was blog-hoping on Tumblr, and there are so many beautiful, fashionable and creative people on there. I just wish that I could be one of them. I wish that there was something about me that was special. But I came to accept a long time ago now that I'm average, and that I'll probably just be average for the rest of my life. Honestly, my fashion choices aren't entirely my own. I just copy everyone else's ideas, follow whatever the people who I think are cool are doing, and even then I don't do a very good job of it and end up looking like a twat. It's not that I don't actually want to wear the things that such people do, because I honestly do and I would love to be able to pull it off, but I just don't have the means. That, or my outfits are half-baked. They always end up being just really average, even though I try really hard to make them nice. But in the end, it's not entirely my own personal style. I don't like that. I want to be able to come up with things that are unique, things that are special to me. I try, but like I said, I don't have the means. I can't just go and buy whatever I want, and I definitely can't make it myself. Don't get me wrong, I love my clothes and I love to wear them, but still... I can't seem to shake this feeling. I seem to like to tell myself that eventually, if I buy a whole bunch of clothes and things that are cool, then I'll be fine. I don't have a job, and finding a part-time job as a teenager in my country isn't exactly easy, and I'm really lousy at anything to do with crafts. I hate that I have to mooch off my parents for everything, but I don't have any other option. I've applied for jobs before, yes, but I never got any of them. I recently sent in an application to a store called The Warehouse, which is essentially my country's equivalent of Walmart. That's how desperate I'm getting. I hate the feeling that I haven't truly earned anything I own, that it was my parents hard work that put all my clothes in my closet. And to be honest, writing all this doesn't help at all. It just makes me feel even more shit. I'm such a lousy person. All I ever do is complain. There are so many people who have it much worse than me, yet I'm daring to sit here and whine about pointless shit. So what if I don't always like myself. It's probably just teenage insecurities. I'm happy enough, for the most part, right? I have a great life, with wonderful family and a nice home and I'm getting a good education. So why the fuck do I think it's ok to not like myself? It's not even that big of a deal. When you get right down to it, all it is, is me looking in the mirror and going, wow you're ugly inside and out huh you try so hard to be cool but none of your ideas are your own you hypocrite, and walking away. Most of the time, I just ignore the feeling, I accept it, and I move on. That's what irritates me the most. I'm so lucky, yet I still find something to be unhappy like this about, for no good reason. I feel like such a pathetic douchebag right now. I feel so crap, I wasn't even going to post this, but then I remembered... Hey, who gives a fuck, it's not like anyone reads your shit anyway.

I'm sorry. Really. That escalated quickly. I didn't intend for it to end up quite so... well, you know. But, I've always made a point my policy when it comes to blogging - backspace doesn't exist unless for grammatical errors. Whatever I type, stays. Because it's my blog. My feelings. My rants, and my rambles. It's just really late where I live right now, and I've been running on six hours of sleep for the past eighteen hours. I tend to get more angry with myself when I get tired. I'm not usually like this. I mean, I've always been a very self conscious person, but I'm actually pretty ok with it usually. It's just times like this when my brain stops working the way it should. But I guess, if I was able to spill my guts and write that much, then I really needed to write it down. It's like, I had been keeping all these thoughts shut away. I didn't want to acknowledge them, I didn't want to accept them. Like I said, feeling this way makes me feel bad. I'm so grateful for everything in my life, and so I feel like I don't deserve to be upset about something as small as my fashion choices or appearance. That's all. So I try to push the feelings away. I suppose that's not the most healthy thing to do though. Because it leads to these weird little outbursts of anger. That's what a blog is supposed to be for right? Getting all your feelings down. Lifting weight of peoples' shoulders. So from now on, I'm not going to keep my feelings shut away inside until I reach my boiling point. I'm going to do my best to let it out in a calm and constructive way, through this blog. My blog. And actually, I do feel a lot better now. I know the feelings will come back every now and again, they always do, but I'm going to try and handle them better.

Ugh, another thing I don't like about these weird outbursts is that I'm not able to say properly what it is I want to say. I don't think before I type, I just type whatever. Sometimes, it's okay, but in some cases I feel that what I've written can be easily misunderstood or misinterpreted. But then, I can't actually think of how else to say it. So I'll leave it. And it doesn't flow very well at all! Usually I try to give my posts a nice flow, from one point to the next. Boooo.

Ahh, I feel like my usual self now, so I'm thankful. Glad I was able to get this off my chest. But I'm also feeling really fucking tired. So it think it's about time I got to bed. I know I said in my last post that my next post would be in a couple of days, but I clearly needed to get this off my chest now. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep. So, if you're interested, please still expect a more normal post from me in a couple of days!

I'm listening to my sleepy/calm music playlist right now huhuhu~

NP - Hirogaru Sekai by Golden Bomber 

Something... Different~?

Yep, I decided I wanted to start a new post just to talk about my new layout! Whoooo!
I'm actually really excited about it. I don't even know why!

I know, it's nothing really special. Even so, I feel like it's much more me. I've always been more inclined to simple things, when it comes to design. The old template I used was simple, yes, but I feel that it was too dark, too claustrophobic. Can a blog be claustrophobic? I particularly didn't like the width of the actual post - it was way too narrow, and made it look really cramped. Anyway, I like how light and plain this new layout is. I always like to use white as a background colour, for everything. I really like light purple, and light grey, so that explains the colour combination. I personally think they go really nicely together, but that could just be me... I also love the title font! It's so cute and childish. Like me! The childish part, anyway. Definitely not the cute part. Maybe one day I'll get around to making my own header or something, but for now, I really like the way it is. Seeing as I was actually able to figure out how to do it, and edit it to make it my own, I feel quite pleased with it. It's plain, simple, average, but a with a tiny splash of individuality. I feel it suits me just fine.

So that's all. I'll be writing again in the next couple of days, back to my normal routine. Sorry for the random, waste of time and effort post~! ^^;;

NP - Sumire September Love by Megamasso ft. Izam

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tenso Shopping Service~!

Ok, so I know I said last time, that the next review would be of SID's M&W, but since then (as in Tuesday morning) my order that I placed using Tenso arrived! Eeeeeeeep! So now, I'm going to do a run-down of how it worked out. It's not really going to be a review exactly, but anyways. Also, this has ended up pretty damn long, I'm really sorry. ^^;; Here we go.

Now, this was my first time using a shopping service. I'm always extremely, probably unnecessarily, suspicious of buying anything online, especially when I've never ordered from a site before. I'd say the only website I feel 100% comfortable using is CDJapan. So deciding to use a shopping service was a pretty big deal for me. And plus, let's be honest here, most shopping services are really fucking expensive. Yes, maybe their own service fee isn't too unreasonable, but when you add on the cost of your original items, plus the shipping within Japan, plus the international shipping fee (almost all services use EMS)... you're looking at a pretty big number.
I've already briefly explained the reason why I ended up using the service, but I'll explain again quickly.
There were a couple of things listed on CDJapan from SUPER LOVERS that I'd been really wanting. I was just browsing the internet, and I decided to go to the official SL web store, to see the new seasons items, out of curiosity. It turns out that SL are having a huge sale right now (30~70% off!), to make way for the new stock. I checked out the sale, which is a really fantastic sale and if there are any of last seasons items that you were wanting, buy them now from the web store (! Even though CDJapan does have some SL things on sale, they have nowhere near as much as the actual web store. It turns out that quite a lot of the things I wanted were included in the sale, but I was able to narrow it down to two things that I wanted the most. Both were around 50% off. And neither of the two were on sale at CDJapan.

SUPER LOVERS uses Rakuten as their shopping platform, but unfortunately they do not ship internationally. So this is where I was like, dude, I need a shopping service. Now. I wasn't going to let this chance slip through my fingers. Obviously I had seen Tenso through Rakuten, and I had read many a good review of it around the internet. So I looked into it a little more, and I was pleasantly surprised. Their service fee is definitely the cheapest, and most reasonable. Yes, they do use EMS shipping, but they actually stick to the EMS rates! I'm going to go off on a slight tangent here. CDJapan MARK UP THE SHIPPING. A LOT. It's actually extremely obvious if you check the EMS Japan rates table, and then compare it to what CDJapan charge ( I always thought their shipping was quite reasonable, but the heavier your order gets, the more they mark up the shipping. Back on track now, and long story short, I found that even with using Tenso shopping service, it was half the price of what it would have cost for the exact same order from CDJapan. I had to do it, I would have been stupid not to.

Registration with Tenso is free, and upon registering they'll send you and a Japanese address. That address will have your ID number in it, and you MUST make sure that you include that number when entering the shipping address info. You register with your own address, i.e. the address that you want Tenso to ship your package to once they receive it.
I'm not going to tell you exactly how to use Tenso because it's really quite straightforward, their way of breaking it down and explaining how it works is very clear (here's their guide, Anything you need to know can be found on their site. The breakdown of costs is also simple. It's just:

  • Price of your items (from wherever you order from) + shipping fee (from wherever your order from to Tenso warehouse) + handling fee + international shipping fee (from Tenso to your door)

Essentially, the 'handling fee' is the service fee, and it's a very small fee. Their lowest fee is 490 JPY, and that's with orders up to 1kg. You're gonna need to figure out *roughly* what your order will weigh if you want to calculate the total Tenso charge before ordering, using their Calculation Tool, which is down the bottom of the page. But hopefully that won't be too difficult.

The bit that confused me the most was how to enter the Japanese address, because I can't read Japanese, so I didn't know which part of the address went where. Fortunately, I have a Japanese student who helped me out, and she had to rearrange to address in order for it to make more sense. [UPDATE] So Tenso actually have a page where they show you how to enter your address when shopping on Japanese websites, here is the link ->
Their examples are actually still in Japanese, but if you play around with Google translate and just try to work it out as logically as possible, it should be fairly simple (as told by a friend of mine who recently ordered using Tenso). If you're still have trouble, then I recommend emailing Tenso with your query. They're really friendly and should be able to help you out.

So, go about ordering from the webstore the way you would any other site. When you go to check out, you'll need to use all your own details, like your own name, and payment details (like credit card, PayPal etc). Also, use your own email address. It's just when you get to the shipping address that you put the Tenso address you were given, not forgetting your number. That's all, all other information you enter should be your own. PLEASE NOTE, you pay for this order separately to the Tenso fee, i.e. you pay the price of your items plus shipping to Tenso when you order from the web store. Your payement to Tenso, for handling and international shipping fee, comes later, once Tenso actually receive your package (they will notify you via email once they do). Then proceed to checkout, and proceed to freak out, if you're like me. I joke, I joke, don't freak out. I only did because I'd never used a shopping service before.

You'll get the automatic confirmation email from the web store you ordered from, use Google Translate if you want to double check things. And then you wait! Because the store that I ordered from only accepted credit card or cash payment, not PayPal, I had to wait a while for my payment to go through. But when it did, I got an email from the store that said, with the help of Translate, that my payment had gone through and my order had been posted to my Tenso address. Then, when Tenso receives your package, they'll email you with their fee (handling + international shipping) and you follow the instructions to pay for all that. Don't worry, I know this description is vague, but it will be very easy to follow if you use the service - they'll give you links and everything in their emails to you. Oh, Tenso allows PayPal. Once they've got your payment, they'll email you saying so and that your package is being processed, and then a final email saying that it's been shipped to you. Because they use EMS, you should get your shizz within 3-5 days! And that's it!

So, here's how the pricing, of my order at least, went:

  • Item (1) - 3938 JPY 
  • Item (2) - 2888 JPY
  • Shipping (to Tenso) - I forgot, but it wasn't a huge amount. Maybe like 800 JPY?

The total of this is what you pay for first, with your own credit card or whatever. You pay it to the actual store you order from.


  • Tenso handling fee - 490 JPY
  • International shipping fee - 1000 JPY. I ordered when they were having a promotion, all international shipping was 1000 JPY, or something.

The total of THIS is the price you pay to Tenso.
So you make two seperate payments.

This is how they packaged my order. (Sorry, the second and third photos are the wrong way round. I'm learning~! Also, sorry for the crap quality... they were taken with my iPod camera x.x;;)

As you can see, there was a small rip on the back of the bag, but luckily it had an internal lining, and no damage was done to my stuff. 

My stuuuuff~ It's cute that they sent me the original bag, too.

Alright, I think that's everything covered. Reading back through this, I've realised that some things may not make much sense. I'm really sorry if that's the case, I just can't think of how else to explain/word it. Please, if you have a question, feel free to ask me! I'd be more than happy to help in any way I can. I have only used the service once, so I may not be the most knowledgeable, but I can try to advise and guide you, based on my own experience. ^^

I hope all this is useful to at least one person. If just one person gains something or benefits from this, then I'll be very happy. And I hope this has erased any doubts that you have about using Tenso. Believe me, I understand that you may be wary and that you can never be too careful. Tenso is a reliable and easy to use shopping service, their customer service is brilliant, and I would recommend them to anyone. Seriously. I'll never worry about ordering from Japanese web stores again. I can't say the same for other services, as I've never used any others, but from what I've found, Tenso is your best choice anyway. 10/10 all round. So get out there and get shopping, children!

NP - Recipe by vistlip

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Review All The Things~!

Well, actually just two things...
Alrighty kids, so this time I'm going to do a review, of sorts, of AYABIE's new album ANSWER. Aaaand then next time, I will also do SID's album M&W! I'm aware that both aren't brand new, with M&W being a month old already, but hey, better late than never. Now, when I say review, I mean a Misa-style review, where I basically (let's be honest here) just fangirl about how awesome things are. I've already said it, I'm not very good at describing music and what it is I like/dislike about it, but I try, really! I'll try my best to keep things as brief as possible. Sometimes I can tend to ramble on a bit though... Hopefully it won't end up as long as my review of SuG's Lollipop Kingdom. And, just one more thing before I start, please remember that what I'm about to say is JUST MY OPINION. You know I will never say anything to intentionally hurt anyone's feelings or to just to be mean. Plus, I really don't have anything bad to say about this album at all. Both AYABIE and SID are special to me, so please bear in mind that just because I think one or two songs are 'okay', it doesn't mean I hate them or don't like them. Ok, without further ado, let's begin!

1. Prelude - This is the intro song, and honestly, it is lovely. I love that they made it to the tune of Ryuusei, which is the last song on the album. It makes a very nice mirror, and it was very beautifully done. It's understated and elegant, not too in your face. It was a perfect introductory song.
2. RISE - Great. Just, great. I don't know what else to say. The composition is great, it's position on the album with the way it flows from the prelude is great, it's energy is great. It really sets the album off with a bang, and I love it.
3. Reflector - The thing that I kept thinking when listening to this song was, this is a song with sass. It's got this awesome attitude, which I love, and it keeps up the pace with RISE. I actually wish they made a PV for this song, I imagine that it would be really sexy and sophisticated.
4. Kakusei Sprechchor - This song was released as a single, so we already know it. But that doesn't make it any less kick-ass. It's got this brilliant, catchy vibe and energy. And it's just a really good, cool song.
5. Niji - Ahh, this song was pretty cute. Although at the same time, it sounds kind of epic. It's quite magical and lovely to listen to. It's less intense than the previous songs, yet it maintains the energy of the album.
6. LOVE SONG - Damn, this song is smooth. It's almost jazzy, and it's really chill. It has a good relaxed pace, a nice break from the pumped up songs, but it's still fun - not dull at all.
7. Paradise Paradox - Oooh, this one is fun. It's quite techno-ish, I'd say it's probably the most electronic sounding song on the album, even though yes, I know, most of the songs are electro-ish in some aspect. It's a good, catchy song that makes you wanna dance. I love Yume's voice in the chorus! It also reminds me a liiiittle bit of LM.C's GAME of LIFE. It has an awesome transition into track eight, too...
8. MERRY GO ROUND - FUCKING LOVE IT. I already knew that. This song is easily one of my favourite AYABIE songs. Easily. I love it so much, I can't say anything more about it, other than KURU KURU KURU, FUWA FUWA FUWAAAA~!
9. Koma - the intro for this song is really good! It stuck with me. The song as a whole is very good, so AYBIE-ish. It's upbeat, with strong vocals from Yume. It uses an interesting mix-up of instrumentals/tempos/beats etc. I think the key thing about this song is the way it transitions into the next song. It's so smooth, I didn't even realise the track had changed...
10. SICs - Ohshit. Ohhhh shit. This song is probably my favourite new song on the album. The music is fanfuckingtastic, and Yume's voice is amazing. It's so fucking awesome and unbelievably kick-ass. The intro is just omfgasjgdfg. I really wasn't expecting it at all. It's almost like a little bit of DEATHBIE came through in this song, I love it.
11. HERO - Wow, talk about a turn around. There is a complete change in tone with this song. It's super happy and positive. It makes me feel like I can take on anything, and I'll be ok. It has a comforting cheerfulness, like, Hey! Don't worry, everything is gonna be fine! Don't worry! Just be young, have fun! It's a youthful song. It had me jumping around and dancing, smiling like an idiot the whole time. Takehito's solo was cute, too!
12. Season - This song is cute, Yume's voice is lovely. This song was on the MERRY GO ROUND single, so it's not new to us. But it's still a nice song. It's chill, cool. Yup. Personally, I wouldn't have included this song on the album. I'll be honest, it's not their best song. But it's still good.
13. Ryuusei - RYUUUUSEI~! This is also an easy AYABIE favourite of mine. It's just such a beautiful song. Yume's voice is gorgeous, the music is composed and arranged beautifully. It's a prefect song, from to beginning to end. I am so in love with it. It's magical and wonderful. Ahh, the riff! I lvoe Takehito's riff, and solo! The beat is perfect, the bass ties everything together and it just works. I feel so happy listening to this song, it makes me feel so secure. It's mirror with the prelude, and it's general loveliness, make it the perfect song to end the album with.

And so that's my thoughts on ANSWER. I don't really want to rate it, because it's really hard to detach myself from my fangirl love for them and look at it critically. So I won't. I would say the only problem I had, and it isn't even really a problem, was Season. There are other songs they could have chosen, but honestly, the album is perfect. It's intelligently arranged, so it has a continuity and flow to it that make the listen experience a real pleasure. Great work, AYABIE!

Please forgive my incoherent and frankly crappy writing and reviewing skill. I try my best. But I enjoy writing these reviews regardless. So, to anyone reading who is interested in SID, please look forward to my next post, which will be a review (in the same style as this) of M&W~!

Thank you for reading. ^^


Tuesday, August 28, 2012


For a while now I've been thinking that I should update my blog. You know, change the layout and format and all that. And I really would like to, because honestly, this one that I have now I super fucking boring. It's been the same since I first started this blog just over three years ago. The thing is, I just really don't like any of the other pre-set layouts provided by Blogger, and I'm waaay to technologically impaired to make my own. Seriously, I am clueless when it comes to HTML and coding... Which is actually quite funny, considering that I've been taking Web Design as a subject for the past two years. I don't actually do any work in that class, though. It's like my second free subject. When we have work to do, I just ask my teacher and he basically tells me exactly what to do. Um, tangent, ok... Anyway, I'm going to take another look at the pre-set templates and see if I can find something a little more exciting. I guess I'll just have to play around with it a little and see what I can work out, and what I come up with. I might need to wait a bit though, until I have enough time to really get stuck in and focus on it. I have mid-term exams coming up in two weeks, so from now on I'll be super busy and nerdy with studying... Or at least, I'll pretend that's what I'm doing. I've never really been that good at studying, but I surprisingly manage to get by with pretty good grades. Maybe just for now I'll try to find a pre-set template that's a little more interesting than this, that I'll use temporarily.
Also, one of these days I'll figure out how add photos to these posts... I bet it's probably not even that difficult, I'm just an idiot. I guess I'll do that at the same time as the layout shizz. At least this way, it gives me enough time to figure out what to post photos of. I'm not really very confident with myself at all, so I wouldn't really want to post photos of my face... And my clothes aren't really cool enough to do outfit posts. I'm just generally quite plain and average. Ahh, well. I'll figure it out. I just feel like having photos will make my blog at least a little more interesting. And I need all the interesting I can get. ><;;

Writing this post is making me feel really dizzy. I haven't been feeling so good for the last two days, and I'm off school today. I probably shouldn't be using my computer at all, I knoooow. But I'm so bored~ There isn't even any entertaining trash on E! channel. Just E! News and boring THS junk.

Oh, I ordered more things on Sunday! Well, this time it was just one thing. I ordered it from Rakuten again, this time from a seller/store called Mansaiya. Whenever I search for things on Rakuten, this seller always comes up. I guess that's because I mostly search for clothes like SUPER LOVERS. And, they ship to my country, so I don't have to go through a shopping service. Again, I ordered from here because it worked out to be much cheaper than CDJapan.
BUT, I'm not going to lie, I'm getting a little worried about both of my recent orders. I ordered from the SUPER LOVERS online/Rakuten shop on Thursday last week. I did get the automatic confirmation email and everything, but it's now Tuesday afternoon and I haven't heard anything more from them. They haven't emailed me saying that it's been posted to my Tenso address, and Tenso certainly haven't received it yet. I'm hoping that it's something to do with the fact that I payed by credit card, and that it will take a while for the payment to go through. Then once they get my payment, they'll post my order.
I have similar concerns for my Mansaiya order, although I did only order on Sunday, so I'm not as concerned. But still, I haven't heard anything from this store either... I'm not sure what to do. How long should I wait until I email the sellers? I dunno maaaaan. I guess I'm just over-thinking and such because I've never ordered from here before. It'll be fine. I'm sure it will be fine. Whoo~

In other *fangirl* news, FUCKING YES GOTCHAROCKA NICONICO. When I saw the announcement   that they were going to be on a live stream, I so nearly cried. I'm so happy, I don't even care that it's way late here and I'm sick as fuck. After missing their last one, because I'm the biggest retard ever and got the timing/dates all wrong, I was so heart shattered, and I was beginning to think that I missed the only chance.
I actually started this before the broadcast was on... it was done with purpose, though, because I wanted to be able to fangirl after watching it. So, here goes...
OMFGSAFSDGDFG. THEY'RE SO PERFECT. I really, really loved watching them. It doesn't matter in the slightest that I couldn't understand a word. Just seeing them all laugh and smile made me so, so happy. They're a really great bunch of guys. You know how I like to ramble on about bands, and their band dynamic? Well, GOTCHAROCKA's band dynamic is so out of this world. They are perfect together as a band. I have no worries about them at all, I feel that they're going to be together for a long time. Ahhh I'm still buzzing about seeing them. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. This morning I was listening to them, and going through Toya's blog images, and I actually felt like I was going to cry. Happy tears, not sad tears! I was just like... I love these guys so fucking much. I am so thankful to Jun for bringing me to GOTCHAROCKA. It was also really great being able to chat with the WARPS/ROCKAS again... although, it wasn't quite the same as Jun's old Niconicos... oh well, it was something. And for that I'm extremely grateful~!
Also, I realised how much I love and adore Toya! I mean, I already new I loved him, but wow... He's so gorgeous and precious and perfect! He's way up there man, but of course, Jun is always number one in my heart~ Alright, fangirl spazz end.

Alright, now I really feel like junk. Time for a cup of tea then a nap~

NP - 4 minutes for you by GOTCHAROCKA

Friday, August 24, 2012

Your Gut Says He's Evil~!

My gut says he's good! Let's put our guts together, and end this funky feud~!
Yeah. Guess who's watching Adventure Time. As usual... Anyway, on with the show~

So, I know that it was announced a little while ago now, but it still hasn't quite sunk in yet that LILT will be disbanding soon. Really soon, in fact. I really adore LILT. I realise that I say this about a lot of bands, but every time I say it it's completely true. As for LILT, their music is just so fucking positive and upbeat, it's impossible to feel depressed or upset when listening to them. They may not be the greatest band in the world, and they may not be the most skilled musicians in the world (although I think they're all great - particularly Rei, he is amazing~), but their messages are strong and their passion is clearly just as powerful. I think when the members of a band are obviously loving what they do, and really enjoy being in a band together, it makes the experience all the more enjoyable; for the members and fans alike. I think I've actually already said something like this before, except in relation to THE KIDDIE. I truly believe it, for any band, the functionality of the band depends on the dynamic of the band and the relationships of the members. Ok, so I guess that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense... it sounded better in my head. Anyway, I guess what brought this on was the fact that I was derping on YouTube and I stumbled across LILT's PV for Sakuretsu Freedom. And the only thing I could think was that they all look so happy, like they're having so much fun together. It made me happy too, but sad at the same time. Happy, because... I guess it was just like an infectious happiness that came from that video. You can't not smile with them. I mean, Kou, Rubia and Rei's smiles are just too fucking precious, and while Tsuakasa may not smile quite as much, when he does it's just like a big D'AWWW. And they smiled and laughed together, while making this great, uplifting music that never fails to make my day that much brighter. And so for the same reason, it made me sad. Because there isn't going to be any more of that. Sure, I can always just listen to what they have released. But it won't be the same, knowing that these awesome guys that I love so much and bring me so much happiness are no longer together. No longer making their awesome music together, no more laughing during the making of PVs together. And it just makes me wonder what happened. What was it that lead them to the decision to disband? I know, we will probably never know the reason why. That's how it always is. But they just seemed so happy together, and they had so much potential. Their music was improving a lot, CxLOSE was a really good release, I was so excited about it. I thought that they would keep going, and keep improving, with each new release being better than the last. But I guess crying and booing about it won't change anything. They're going to disband. All I can do now is hope and pray that we see Kou, Tsukasa, Rubia, Rei and Yuuha again soon in new projects, and support them in whatever they choose to take on next. I really wish to see at least a couple of the members in the same new band at some point. Because I refuse to think that their disbanding was due to the members arguing and not getting along. There's no way. Their band dynamic really worked. And even if they aren't in the same band, I want to see them again soon in the visual kei scene anyway, because they're all great musicians, and great guys.
As for my personal thoughts on why they disbanded, and this is only an uneducated guess/musing more like, but maybe it was because they felt they had reached their limit musically-speaking as a band. Like, if they continued, there would be nowhere for their music to go - their musical direction would be at a dead end. So, that way, it's not an issue with the members. It's just that maybe they reached their limit as a band. Who knows, maybe they'll all come back together as a new band, kind of like SINCREA to Fest Vainqueur.
I know, this LILT-disbandment contemplation post is getting pretty long, but I just have one more thing. I kind of feel sorry for Yuuha, the newer member. I mean, he only got to be in the band for what, seven months or something? Having only one release with them. It kinda sucks for him. And he was really cool too! I was looking forward to seeing more of his skills and what he can do. Oh well, I hope to see him again soon.

Ok, wow, sorry. That was a really long rant(?), of sorts, for lack of a better word. And it was probably really incoherent and doesn't make much sense but ehhhh... I'm trying~! Ok, so moving on.
I used a shopping service for the first time yesterday. I used Tenso, because it seems like the most reliable - even Rakuten directs you to them. I wanted to order from the SUPER LOVERS online shop, because they had some things on sale that I've been wanting from CDJapan, but they aren't on sale there. So, I've placed my order and paid, and hopefully my items will be on their way to the Tenso address I was given, where Tenso will then mail them to me. I'm really fucking nervous, because I've never used a shopping service before, so here's hoping it all goes well. I'll do a better review-ish post once I actually get my stuff (and maybe by then I will have figured out how to add photos to a post~) .

Speaking of mail, I really can't wait to get my AYABIE and SID albums. Whaaaa hurry up mailman! I'll admit to downloading AYABIE's album already... I couldn't wait. And it's really fantastic, I love it. I think one of the best things is the intro song, and the way it flows into Rise. It's such a cute intro, and I love that it's the melody to Ryuusei, the last song on the album. Well played, AYABIE! It really pulled me into the album. But, again, I wanna talk about it more when I actually get my own copy... I think this post is long enough already. ^^;;

Today I was walking to school by myself, as always, listening to music in my own world. And acquaintance of mine caught up to me and started walking beside me. It took me a couple of seconds to notice, but when I did I stopped walking and was like, "What are you doing?". They said that they were walking with me, but I was just like, "No, thanks~". And then they were all, wtf... okay... and walked on ahead. I did feel a little mean, but I just really hate being interrupted on my walks to school. I like walking by myself, I choose to do it. It's the only time during the day when I'm not at home where I can be by myself and just think, gather my thoughts and be in my own world and such. I don't have to socialise (wow, I'm a loser...) and I can just be alone with my thoughts. Idk. Just let me have my alone time, dammit!

I'M SO SORRY FOR THIS LONG BORING POST. These are just the things that were predominantly playing on my mind when I decided to write this. I'm trying to be a more interesting person, but it's exhausting... please wait for me a little longer! ><

NP - LIVE Maniac by Jackman

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Deep Red Carbonated Beverage~


Ok. Phew. I'm done. I know, I know, I'm a little *a lot* behind, but I finally saw it! And god damn. Is he cool. And twisted! I love twisted characters. Ugh, I'm so curious about him, I can't wait until he shows up again.
But for the meantime, there's a new story arc! Ahhhh, I'm so pleased with myself, I'm finally completely up-to-date with Kuroshitsuji! I originally had this deal with myself that I wasn't going to read it online, that I would wait and read the volumes from the library. But the last one available from my library was volume 9, and there was no way I could wait another month before I could read the next volume! Volume 9 was such a cliffhanger! Then again, do any volumes not end in a cliffhanger... So anyway, I caved, and I ended up reading all of the chapters that have been released so far... up to chapter 72. The only problem is that now I have to wait a whole month for the next chapter to be released! Boooooo! It's getting really intense. I love seeing Ciel in a school boy uniform. It's so fucking sexy. Oh, but I feel like a bit of a cougar/creeper, calling a thirteen year old boy sexy... I can't help it though, he really is. Although, I guess most of the time I think of him as cute or adorable. Sebastian is more consistently the sexy one (and MY GOD is he sexy). It's just for this arc, with Ciel in the uniform and with all hidden evil smirks and ughhh my ovaries. I guess I have a uniform/shota fetish or something. But not in a creepy way! Wait, a fetish is creepy regardless. Oh no, I don't want to be creepy! Please tell me I'm not the only one who turns creepy when it comes to Kuroshitsuji! Umm, uuuuum, gotta say something normal about it. Ah, of course, Yana Toboso's artwork is flawless. I want to say that you can see her improvement as the story progresses, but really, her artwork was perfect from the beginning. It's been consistently and unwaveringly perfect throughout. She's so talented! I can't possibly find the words for it, nothing I can say would do her any justice. She's just, so amazing and fantastic. And her storylines are so creative! She's constantly leaving us guessing, wondering, and dying to know what's really going on, what will happen next. The stories are complex, and at times confusing, but not enough to make it unpleasant or un-enjoyable to read, and she always makes sure that things are explained in the end. Unless she plans on coming back to them later (like with the Undertaker, his character and goals and such weren't really explained to us, but we know that Toboso-san will be coming back to him at some point). I really, really respect and admire her. She's one of the mangaka that I would actually go fangirl-ga-ga over if I were ever lucky enough to meet her. I wouldn't know what to say, I wouldn't be worthy... //craicrai

Wow. Sorry about that lump of poorly written fangirling over Kuroshitsuji. I don't know how that happened, I just started writing about it and then I couldn't stop... Sorry~!

I've been listening to BugLug a lot more lately. They're really fucking fantastic. I'm so bummed that I missed out on getting the type of their new album that I wanted. Of course, I wanted a limited type. I just needed a little longer to save, too, but it's already all sold out on CDJapan. Boooo~ Oh well. I'm considering saving and buying it second hand from Closet Child CD instead. Speaking of music, AYABIE's album Answer is released tomorrow! Whooooo! So yesterday I got the email from CDJapan informing me that my copy (as well as my copy of SID's M&W awwww yissssss) has been shipped! Now I just have to wait a week or so for it to arrive here, then I can welcome and caress my new babies to my family! Oh... that got a little weird there. But I'm just so excited! I haven't had new CDs since I got ACE's Tales for the Abyss. Which is also a perfect album ahhh. So many good feels right now. I can't wait~

Ok, that's all I got for now. There's not a lot going on for me at the moment. Just school, sleeping and eating. And stress. But hey, nothing new there.

(Yeah, that's where the title of the post came from... msrry it was an afterthought I'll try to be less lame in the future ;;)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why Can't I Hold All These Limes?

BECAUSE YOU RACK DICSIPRIN. //irrelevant title is irrelevant~

I am such a fucking loser. I already knew I was. But I only just realized the extreme extent to which this is true. It kind of sucks, I'm probably never going to find like-minded friends because of my total loser-ness and I'll always feel different and lonely, but hey. I can't change the way I think about things. And I certainly will not change just to fit in. So I guess I'll have to live with it. I have so far...
Just so you know, this is partly due to my views on partying/drinking/smoking/drugs. I have this huge distaste for all of them. As a seventeen year old girl, I'm proud to say that I've never done any of it. And I don't want to. I don't see the need, I don't see the appeal. If you want to go on a buzz, drink a fucking energy drink. Most people would think that when I get older, then I'll want to go out partying and drinking. But honestly, I really don't think I will. I just hate the idea so much now, I can't imagine ever wanting to do it. It honestly holds no interest for me. At all. But whatever... I've never found anyone who has the same values and attitudes towards this subject as I do, so I've accepted the fact that I probably never will. Literally, forever alone.

So lately I've been thinking, I really would like to buy a lolita dress/one-piece. I just have one reservation. I don't dress in lolita, I don't own a single piece of lolita clothing. I really do love the fashion, it just doesn't always suit my personal fashion and/or budget. All I want is one, maybe two pieces of lolita. Nothing too extravagant, just something simple and cute. I wouldn't wear it in the traditional lolita style, I'd want to mix and match it with my punkier items of clothing. Now, I that there are people who already do this, and it looks awesome. But then there are people, usually the everday/lifestyle lolitas, that CAN get a little bitchy about this use of lolita. I say can, because I know not every one of them will be like this, but I really can't be bothered dealing with the ones who are like that. Is it really harming anyone if you have one lolita dress and wear it in your own way? Do we have to be lifestyle lolitas in order to wear one dress that we like? Do there have to be rules when it comes to fashion, your own personal style? I don't think so. So I will eventually buy a lolita dress, once I find a cute one within my budget. And I will wear it my way.  And idgaf what any elitist lifestyle lolita says.

Lately, a whole bunch of new visual/jrock bands have been springing up. And I absolutely love it! It's so cool to find brand new bands to support, and most of them have quite fresh looks. The only downside is that sometimes it takes a little while between the first introduction of the band, until we are able to hear some of their music. So I'm just sitting here hoping that the music of these new bands is as fresh as their looks. One new band in particular that I think looks promising is Neverland. Seriously, just their name is so cool! And their first look is pretty fucking amazing. I'm so amped to hear their music! Bring it on! I'm so grateful to the Jrock UK Updater (aka and all it's wonderful mods for informing us fans of these new bands, and for keeping us up to date on all the old favourites! -bows-

Well, today's post has been a bit of a mishmash. I've run run out of energy, and things to say. I'll round up here, so good night/good morning/good day/whatever it is wherever you are~!

NP - Let's Go KY by Golden Bomber