Saturday, September 1, 2012

Review All The Things~!

Well, actually just two things...
Alrighty kids, so this time I'm going to do a review, of sorts, of AYABIE's new album ANSWER. Aaaand then next time, I will also do SID's album M&W! I'm aware that both aren't brand new, with M&W being a month old already, but hey, better late than never. Now, when I say review, I mean a Misa-style review, where I basically (let's be honest here) just fangirl about how awesome things are. I've already said it, I'm not very good at describing music and what it is I like/dislike about it, but I try, really! I'll try my best to keep things as brief as possible. Sometimes I can tend to ramble on a bit though... Hopefully it won't end up as long as my review of SuG's Lollipop Kingdom. And, just one more thing before I start, please remember that what I'm about to say is JUST MY OPINION. You know I will never say anything to intentionally hurt anyone's feelings or to just to be mean. Plus, I really don't have anything bad to say about this album at all. Both AYABIE and SID are special to me, so please bear in mind that just because I think one or two songs are 'okay', it doesn't mean I hate them or don't like them. Ok, without further ado, let's begin!

1. Prelude - This is the intro song, and honestly, it is lovely. I love that they made it to the tune of Ryuusei, which is the last song on the album. It makes a very nice mirror, and it was very beautifully done. It's understated and elegant, not too in your face. It was a perfect introductory song.
2. RISE - Great. Just, great. I don't know what else to say. The composition is great, it's position on the album with the way it flows from the prelude is great, it's energy is great. It really sets the album off with a bang, and I love it.
3. Reflector - The thing that I kept thinking when listening to this song was, this is a song with sass. It's got this awesome attitude, which I love, and it keeps up the pace with RISE. I actually wish they made a PV for this song, I imagine that it would be really sexy and sophisticated.
4. Kakusei Sprechchor - This song was released as a single, so we already know it. But that doesn't make it any less kick-ass. It's got this brilliant, catchy vibe and energy. And it's just a really good, cool song.
5. Niji - Ahh, this song was pretty cute. Although at the same time, it sounds kind of epic. It's quite magical and lovely to listen to. It's less intense than the previous songs, yet it maintains the energy of the album.
6. LOVE SONG - Damn, this song is smooth. It's almost jazzy, and it's really chill. It has a good relaxed pace, a nice break from the pumped up songs, but it's still fun - not dull at all.
7. Paradise Paradox - Oooh, this one is fun. It's quite techno-ish, I'd say it's probably the most electronic sounding song on the album, even though yes, I know, most of the songs are electro-ish in some aspect. It's a good, catchy song that makes you wanna dance. I love Yume's voice in the chorus! It also reminds me a liiiittle bit of LM.C's GAME of LIFE. It has an awesome transition into track eight, too...
8. MERRY GO ROUND - FUCKING LOVE IT. I already knew that. This song is easily one of my favourite AYABIE songs. Easily. I love it so much, I can't say anything more about it, other than KURU KURU KURU, FUWA FUWA FUWAAAA~!
9. Koma - the intro for this song is really good! It stuck with me. The song as a whole is very good, so AYBIE-ish. It's upbeat, with strong vocals from Yume. It uses an interesting mix-up of instrumentals/tempos/beats etc. I think the key thing about this song is the way it transitions into the next song. It's so smooth, I didn't even realise the track had changed...
10. SICs - Ohshit. Ohhhh shit. This song is probably my favourite new song on the album. The music is fanfuckingtastic, and Yume's voice is amazing. It's so fucking awesome and unbelievably kick-ass. The intro is just omfgasjgdfg. I really wasn't expecting it at all. It's almost like a little bit of DEATHBIE came through in this song, I love it.
11. HERO - Wow, talk about a turn around. There is a complete change in tone with this song. It's super happy and positive. It makes me feel like I can take on anything, and I'll be ok. It has a comforting cheerfulness, like, Hey! Don't worry, everything is gonna be fine! Don't worry! Just be young, have fun! It's a youthful song. It had me jumping around and dancing, smiling like an idiot the whole time. Takehito's solo was cute, too!
12. Season - This song is cute, Yume's voice is lovely. This song was on the MERRY GO ROUND single, so it's not new to us. But it's still a nice song. It's chill, cool. Yup. Personally, I wouldn't have included this song on the album. I'll be honest, it's not their best song. But it's still good.
13. Ryuusei - RYUUUUSEI~! This is also an easy AYABIE favourite of mine. It's just such a beautiful song. Yume's voice is gorgeous, the music is composed and arranged beautifully. It's a prefect song, from to beginning to end. I am so in love with it. It's magical and wonderful. Ahh, the riff! I lvoe Takehito's riff, and solo! The beat is perfect, the bass ties everything together and it just works. I feel so happy listening to this song, it makes me feel so secure. It's mirror with the prelude, and it's general loveliness, make it the perfect song to end the album with.

And so that's my thoughts on ANSWER. I don't really want to rate it, because it's really hard to detach myself from my fangirl love for them and look at it critically. So I won't. I would say the only problem I had, and it isn't even really a problem, was Season. There are other songs they could have chosen, but honestly, the album is perfect. It's intelligently arranged, so it has a continuity and flow to it that make the listen experience a real pleasure. Great work, AYABIE!

Please forgive my incoherent and frankly crappy writing and reviewing skill. I try my best. But I enjoy writing these reviews regardless. So, to anyone reading who is interested in SID, please look forward to my next post, which will be a review (in the same style as this) of M&W~!

Thank you for reading. ^^


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