Saturday, September 8, 2012

Something... Different~?

Yep, I decided I wanted to start a new post just to talk about my new layout! Whoooo!
I'm actually really excited about it. I don't even know why!

I know, it's nothing really special. Even so, I feel like it's much more me. I've always been more inclined to simple things, when it comes to design. The old template I used was simple, yes, but I feel that it was too dark, too claustrophobic. Can a blog be claustrophobic? I particularly didn't like the width of the actual post - it was way too narrow, and made it look really cramped. Anyway, I like how light and plain this new layout is. I always like to use white as a background colour, for everything. I really like light purple, and light grey, so that explains the colour combination. I personally think they go really nicely together, but that could just be me... I also love the title font! It's so cute and childish. Like me! The childish part, anyway. Definitely not the cute part. Maybe one day I'll get around to making my own header or something, but for now, I really like the way it is. Seeing as I was actually able to figure out how to do it, and edit it to make it my own, I feel quite pleased with it. It's plain, simple, average, but a with a tiny splash of individuality. I feel it suits me just fine.

So that's all. I'll be writing again in the next couple of days, back to my normal routine. Sorry for the random, waste of time and effort post~! ^^;;

NP - Sumire September Love by Megamasso ft. Izam

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