Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Deep Red Carbonated Beverage~


Ok. Phew. I'm done. I know, I know, I'm a little *a lot* behind, but I finally saw it! And god damn. Is he cool. And twisted! I love twisted characters. Ugh, I'm so curious about him, I can't wait until he shows up again.
But for the meantime, there's a new story arc! Ahhhh, I'm so pleased with myself, I'm finally completely up-to-date with Kuroshitsuji! I originally had this deal with myself that I wasn't going to read it online, that I would wait and read the volumes from the library. But the last one available from my library was volume 9, and there was no way I could wait another month before I could read the next volume! Volume 9 was such a cliffhanger! Then again, do any volumes not end in a cliffhanger... So anyway, I caved, and I ended up reading all of the chapters that have been released so far... up to chapter 72. The only problem is that now I have to wait a whole month for the next chapter to be released! Boooooo! It's getting really intense. I love seeing Ciel in a school boy uniform. It's so fucking sexy. Oh, but I feel like a bit of a cougar/creeper, calling a thirteen year old boy sexy... I can't help it though, he really is. Although, I guess most of the time I think of him as cute or adorable. Sebastian is more consistently the sexy one (and MY GOD is he sexy). It's just for this arc, with Ciel in the uniform and with all hidden evil smirks and ughhh my ovaries. I guess I have a uniform/shota fetish or something. But not in a creepy way! Wait, a fetish is creepy regardless. Oh no, I don't want to be creepy! Please tell me I'm not the only one who turns creepy when it comes to Kuroshitsuji! Umm, uuuuum, gotta say something normal about it. Ah, of course, Yana Toboso's artwork is flawless. I want to say that you can see her improvement as the story progresses, but really, her artwork was perfect from the beginning. It's been consistently and unwaveringly perfect throughout. She's so talented! I can't possibly find the words for it, nothing I can say would do her any justice. She's just, so amazing and fantastic. And her storylines are so creative! She's constantly leaving us guessing, wondering, and dying to know what's really going on, what will happen next. The stories are complex, and at times confusing, but not enough to make it unpleasant or un-enjoyable to read, and she always makes sure that things are explained in the end. Unless she plans on coming back to them later (like with the Undertaker, his character and goals and such weren't really explained to us, but we know that Toboso-san will be coming back to him at some point). I really, really respect and admire her. She's one of the mangaka that I would actually go fangirl-ga-ga over if I were ever lucky enough to meet her. I wouldn't know what to say, I wouldn't be worthy... //craicrai

Wow. Sorry about that lump of poorly written fangirling over Kuroshitsuji. I don't know how that happened, I just started writing about it and then I couldn't stop... Sorry~!

I've been listening to BugLug a lot more lately. They're really fucking fantastic. I'm so bummed that I missed out on getting the type of their new album that I wanted. Of course, I wanted a limited type. I just needed a little longer to save, too, but it's already all sold out on CDJapan. Boooo~ Oh well. I'm considering saving and buying it second hand from Closet Child CD instead. Speaking of music, AYABIE's album Answer is released tomorrow! Whooooo! So yesterday I got the email from CDJapan informing me that my copy (as well as my copy of SID's M&W awwww yissssss) has been shipped! Now I just have to wait a week or so for it to arrive here, then I can welcome and caress my new babies to my family! Oh... that got a little weird there. But I'm just so excited! I haven't had new CDs since I got ACE's Tales for the Abyss. Which is also a perfect album ahhh. So many good feels right now. I can't wait~

Ok, that's all I got for now. There's not a lot going on for me at the moment. Just school, sleeping and eating. And stress. But hey, nothing new there.

(Yeah, that's where the title of the post came from... msrry it was an afterthought I'll try to be less lame in the future ;;)

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