Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why Can't I Hold All These Limes?

BECAUSE YOU RACK DICSIPRIN. //irrelevant title is irrelevant~

I am such a fucking loser. I already knew I was. But I only just realized the extreme extent to which this is true. It kind of sucks, I'm probably never going to find like-minded friends because of my total loser-ness and I'll always feel different and lonely, but hey. I can't change the way I think about things. And I certainly will not change just to fit in. So I guess I'll have to live with it. I have so far...
Just so you know, this is partly due to my views on partying/drinking/smoking/drugs. I have this huge distaste for all of them. As a seventeen year old girl, I'm proud to say that I've never done any of it. And I don't want to. I don't see the need, I don't see the appeal. If you want to go on a buzz, drink a fucking energy drink. Most people would think that when I get older, then I'll want to go out partying and drinking. But honestly, I really don't think I will. I just hate the idea so much now, I can't imagine ever wanting to do it. It honestly holds no interest for me. At all. But whatever... I've never found anyone who has the same values and attitudes towards this subject as I do, so I've accepted the fact that I probably never will. Literally, forever alone.

So lately I've been thinking, I really would like to buy a lolita dress/one-piece. I just have one reservation. I don't dress in lolita, I don't own a single piece of lolita clothing. I really do love the fashion, it just doesn't always suit my personal fashion and/or budget. All I want is one, maybe two pieces of lolita. Nothing too extravagant, just something simple and cute. I wouldn't wear it in the traditional lolita style, I'd want to mix and match it with my punkier items of clothing. Now, I that there are people who already do this, and it looks awesome. But then there are people, usually the everday/lifestyle lolitas, that CAN get a little bitchy about this use of lolita. I say can, because I know not every one of them will be like this, but I really can't be bothered dealing with the ones who are like that. Is it really harming anyone if you have one lolita dress and wear it in your own way? Do we have to be lifestyle lolitas in order to wear one dress that we like? Do there have to be rules when it comes to fashion, your own personal style? I don't think so. So I will eventually buy a lolita dress, once I find a cute one within my budget. And I will wear it my way.  And idgaf what any elitist lifestyle lolita says.

Lately, a whole bunch of new visual/jrock bands have been springing up. And I absolutely love it! It's so cool to find brand new bands to support, and most of them have quite fresh looks. The only downside is that sometimes it takes a little while between the first introduction of the band, until we are able to hear some of their music. So I'm just sitting here hoping that the music of these new bands is as fresh as their looks. One new band in particular that I think looks promising is Neverland. Seriously, just their name is so cool! And their first look is pretty fucking amazing. I'm so amped to hear their music! Bring it on! I'm so grateful to the Jrock UK Updater (aka edohsama.blogspot.com) and all it's wonderful mods for informing us fans of these new bands, and for keeping us up to date on all the old favourites! -bows-

Well, today's post has been a bit of a mishmash. I've run run out of energy, and things to say. I'll round up here, so good night/good morning/good day/whatever it is wherever you are~!

NP - Let's Go KY by Golden Bomber

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