Friday, August 24, 2012

Your Gut Says He's Evil~!

My gut says he's good! Let's put our guts together, and end this funky feud~!
Yeah. Guess who's watching Adventure Time. As usual... Anyway, on with the show~

So, I know that it was announced a little while ago now, but it still hasn't quite sunk in yet that LILT will be disbanding soon. Really soon, in fact. I really adore LILT. I realise that I say this about a lot of bands, but every time I say it it's completely true. As for LILT, their music is just so fucking positive and upbeat, it's impossible to feel depressed or upset when listening to them. They may not be the greatest band in the world, and they may not be the most skilled musicians in the world (although I think they're all great - particularly Rei, he is amazing~), but their messages are strong and their passion is clearly just as powerful. I think when the members of a band are obviously loving what they do, and really enjoy being in a band together, it makes the experience all the more enjoyable; for the members and fans alike. I think I've actually already said something like this before, except in relation to THE KIDDIE. I truly believe it, for any band, the functionality of the band depends on the dynamic of the band and the relationships of the members. Ok, so I guess that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense... it sounded better in my head. Anyway, I guess what brought this on was the fact that I was derping on YouTube and I stumbled across LILT's PV for Sakuretsu Freedom. And the only thing I could think was that they all look so happy, like they're having so much fun together. It made me happy too, but sad at the same time. Happy, because... I guess it was just like an infectious happiness that came from that video. You can't not smile with them. I mean, Kou, Rubia and Rei's smiles are just too fucking precious, and while Tsuakasa may not smile quite as much, when he does it's just like a big D'AWWW. And they smiled and laughed together, while making this great, uplifting music that never fails to make my day that much brighter. And so for the same reason, it made me sad. Because there isn't going to be any more of that. Sure, I can always just listen to what they have released. But it won't be the same, knowing that these awesome guys that I love so much and bring me so much happiness are no longer together. No longer making their awesome music together, no more laughing during the making of PVs together. And it just makes me wonder what happened. What was it that lead them to the decision to disband? I know, we will probably never know the reason why. That's how it always is. But they just seemed so happy together, and they had so much potential. Their music was improving a lot, CxLOSE was a really good release, I was so excited about it. I thought that they would keep going, and keep improving, with each new release being better than the last. But I guess crying and booing about it won't change anything. They're going to disband. All I can do now is hope and pray that we see Kou, Tsukasa, Rubia, Rei and Yuuha again soon in new projects, and support them in whatever they choose to take on next. I really wish to see at least a couple of the members in the same new band at some point. Because I refuse to think that their disbanding was due to the members arguing and not getting along. There's no way. Their band dynamic really worked. And even if they aren't in the same band, I want to see them again soon in the visual kei scene anyway, because they're all great musicians, and great guys.
As for my personal thoughts on why they disbanded, and this is only an uneducated guess/musing more like, but maybe it was because they felt they had reached their limit musically-speaking as a band. Like, if they continued, there would be nowhere for their music to go - their musical direction would be at a dead end. So, that way, it's not an issue with the members. It's just that maybe they reached their limit as a band. Who knows, maybe they'll all come back together as a new band, kind of like SINCREA to Fest Vainqueur.
I know, this LILT-disbandment contemplation post is getting pretty long, but I just have one more thing. I kind of feel sorry for Yuuha, the newer member. I mean, he only got to be in the band for what, seven months or something? Having only one release with them. It kinda sucks for him. And he was really cool too! I was looking forward to seeing more of his skills and what he can do. Oh well, I hope to see him again soon.

Ok, wow, sorry. That was a really long rant(?), of sorts, for lack of a better word. And it was probably really incoherent and doesn't make much sense but ehhhh... I'm trying~! Ok, so moving on.
I used a shopping service for the first time yesterday. I used Tenso, because it seems like the most reliable - even Rakuten directs you to them. I wanted to order from the SUPER LOVERS online shop, because they had some things on sale that I've been wanting from CDJapan, but they aren't on sale there. So, I've placed my order and paid, and hopefully my items will be on their way to the Tenso address I was given, where Tenso will then mail them to me. I'm really fucking nervous, because I've never used a shopping service before, so here's hoping it all goes well. I'll do a better review-ish post once I actually get my stuff (and maybe by then I will have figured out how to add photos to a post~) .

Speaking of mail, I really can't wait to get my AYABIE and SID albums. Whaaaa hurry up mailman! I'll admit to downloading AYABIE's album already... I couldn't wait. And it's really fantastic, I love it. I think one of the best things is the intro song, and the way it flows into Rise. It's such a cute intro, and I love that it's the melody to Ryuusei, the last song on the album. Well played, AYABIE! It really pulled me into the album. But, again, I wanna talk about it more when I actually get my own copy... I think this post is long enough already. ^^;;

Today I was walking to school by myself, as always, listening to music in my own world. And acquaintance of mine caught up to me and started walking beside me. It took me a couple of seconds to notice, but when I did I stopped walking and was like, "What are you doing?". They said that they were walking with me, but I was just like, "No, thanks~". And then they were all, wtf... okay... and walked on ahead. I did feel a little mean, but I just really hate being interrupted on my walks to school. I like walking by myself, I choose to do it. It's the only time during the day when I'm not at home where I can be by myself and just think, gather my thoughts and be in my own world and such. I don't have to socialise (wow, I'm a loser...) and I can just be alone with my thoughts. Idk. Just let me have my alone time, dammit!

I'M SO SORRY FOR THIS LONG BORING POST. These are just the things that were predominantly playing on my mind when I decided to write this. I'm trying to be a more interesting person, but it's exhausting... please wait for me a little longer! ><

NP - LIVE Maniac by Jackman

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