Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We Will Always Be THE KIDDIE~!

Man, I fucking love THE KIDDIE. I've suddenly started having uber fangirl feelings towards them. Don't get me wrong, I've loved them for a long time now, and their music never fails to bring a smile to my face. But recently, I've started paying a lot more attention to them and loving them even more. I think one of the things I love the most about them, after their wonderful music of course, is their amazing friendship. Seriously, it's so beautiful and genuine to me. Obviously, there's no way I could possibly know if that's actually true. But if you just look at their photos, especially recently, it really looks like they love hanging out together and they genuinely are like best friends, or even brothers. It just seems so natural. Their friendship is so strong and effortless, I think it communicates with the fans in a way, it reaches us. And it makes me feel so happy and secure. I love seeing photos of them having fun, being dorks, doing whatever. Because they do it together. And I just think it's really beautiful. Honestly, it gives me an even deeper appreciation for their music. I believe that they truly love making music together, and that makes listening to it even more enjoyable and special. I really feel that they're going to be together for a long time, and they will always be THE KIDDIE!

You know, I feel that when it comes to Jrock, you just can't win with some fans. I don't really know what the best way to explain it is... So I'll do it this way. Imagine there is a band that you've heard a bit about, maybe listened to a song or two of theirs, or watched a PV on YouTube. You do like what you have heard, but you feel that you just haven't really listened to them all that much. At least, not enough to say if you really like them or actually aren't so keen on them. So you don't really know how to answer when someone asks, do you like them? I feel like in this situation, I would feel very uncomfortable. I wouldn't want to say yes, because like I said, you haven't listened to them enough to decide if I do like them, and if you do say yes but then don't know things like the names of the members, what their latest singles are etc, the fan will get all batshit crazy and bring out the "You're not a real fan" crap. But then if you say no, then the fan will still go batshit crazy on you and accuse you of all sorts of unfair things and claim you have no soul and wouldn't know good music if it punched you in the face. So all you're left with is to tell them that you don't know, because you haven't really listened to them, or haven't listened to them at all. And then again, the fan gets batshit crazy, and is all, how can you not know this band oh my glob and you call yourself a visual/Jrock fan?!
Now, I've never been in this situation, and I've never seen it play out exactly like this, but I have seen aspects of it around. And it makes me worried. I'm just going to put it out there, I had a couple of specific bands in mind when writing that. And I'm probably going to get totally bricked for this, but they are the GazettE, and Dir En Grey //hides. There are actually many others, but these two seem to stick out the most. I feel so much pressure that these should be bands that I am totally familiar with their musical history, and I should love both of them. But in all honesty, I haven't given either much of a listen. In fact, I've never listened to Dir En Grey. I've only ever heard a couple of songs of the GazettE, too. This is where people misunderstand. Just because I say that I don't 'like' these bands, doesn't mean that I hate them or doubt their talent. I just haven't listened to them much. That's all. I'm sure they are really great, but they just don't appeal to me right now. Is that ok? It seems like when you tell someone that you don't like Dir En Grey, you get bricked, and when you say you haven't listened to them, shit just hits the fan... haa, see what I did there? Anyway. That's pretty much the best I can do with trying to get my thoughts on it down. I know it's probably not very clear, and I've probably just dug myself into a giant hole. More like a black abyss. But I've just been thinking about this a lot lately, and I had to try and get it down.

More sort of on the same subject, sometimes the reason why I never really get into some bands, particularly older bands, is because they just have too much music. A band that has been around for ten years now, has something like 23 full albums, 12 mini albums and 64 singles (please not the exaggeration). I mean, of course, if I REALLY love their music, then I will take the time to go through and listen to as much as I can, but if I just like the music, you know, like think that is's 'okay', then I won't bother too much. Therefore, for such bands, while I may like the music of theirs that I've heard, I don't feel right calling myself a fan of said band. Shit, Misa... just keep digging that hole of yours... you aren't going to be able to climb out so easily. Hahaaaa... I guess I also just like to support the newer bands who don't get much appreciation. Or something like that. I'll stop now. XD

Just going back to THE KIDDIE for two seconds, I feel the need to mention that I have also recently started shipping members. I FEEL AWFUL FOR DOING IT. But I can't stop it now! I never thought I'd ship them... they're so innocent! Damn my dirty mind. If you're curious, I ship Yuudai with Jun, and Yusa with Sorao. Poor Yuusei. I just don't see him with any of the members, right?

Wow, very music-related post today, huh. On a not music related note, my cat is sitting on my leg and now my leg has gone dead. I can't feel my foot. I think I should go for a little walk now.

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