Monday, October 1, 2012

What's Up~?

Listening to Called≠Plan. Damn they're great. I can't wait to hear their new stuff, 'V-Rap Style', was it? The preview of the single sounds awesome. Although, I was under the impression that they would be changing the band name. Not that I mind, I like Called≠Plan. I would like to know what it means, though... where did they come up with it? Oh, and the new drummer is a sweetie, isn't he? Actually, C≠P is just a band full of ikemen OHGOD I USED A JAPANESE WORDS FUCK SORRY I MEANT GOOD LOOKING DUDES. I don't like to use random Japanese words, so I'm sorry about that. Anyway, what I mean is that they're all very aesthetically appealing men... Ehh, I'm trying to describe it without being all fangirlish, but it feels too unnatural  So I'm going to stop trying to sound sensible and mature here now. I mean they're sexy. Like, fuck are they sexy. I have strong feelings towards Yuuto in particular, holy damn, I would. Even just listening to his voice through my headphones is just hnnnnn. Plus, he's actually a really sweet guy! I'm not sure if it's true, but he said that he doesn't smoke or drink alcohol. I think the part about him smoking is legit, but I dunno if he actually doesn't drink. I've convinced myself that it is true, though, because it makes me feel more comfortable about my own choices to not drink or smoke. I can feel really lonely sometimes because of it, and I feel like I'll never meet anyone else like me, but when I think how Yuuto could be the same, it makes me feel stronger. And when I read that, I fell in love with him. Of course, not real love because I don't actually know him, but you know what I mean, right? Also, at first I never used to find Rei attractive, mainly because of his smoking, but in his latest blog post I've just been like well fuCK ME SIDEWAYS. And of course, Syu is always sexy. Ehehehe, sorry about this fangirling here! I didn't actually intend to talk about them this much, but I got carried away... and now I've forgotten what else I was going to talk about!

So, it's holiday time here, and you know what that means? It's time for me to request a fucktonne of manga to catch up on! Awww yisssssss. The way this works is, during the school term, I generally don't read much manga, unless I happen to be at the library and find one I am interested in. So when it comes to the break, I request and read as much manga as I can. I just finished requesting a whole bunch of manga from my library! Hopefully I'll get most of them by Friday. I currently have 24 requested. I feel a little awkward, because that is a lot of books, but I read them very quickly, and I honestly have nothing else to do for the next two weeks, so I'm going to read as much as I can. This is how my holiday reading is looking so far;

  • Haruka: Beyond the Stream of Time vol. 12
  • The Devil Does Exist vol. 10
  • Love Com vol. 9
  • Gakuen Alice vol. 14
  • Mixed Vegetables vol. 5
  • Hana-Kimi vol. 9
  • Loveless vol. 9 (Finally! Been waiting for this for months! This series was my first exposure to the wonders of BL, and I'm so excited to read it I actually can't wait~)
  • B.O.D.Y. vol. 6
  • Black Butler vol. 9
  • Bakuman vol.2
  • Library Wars vol. 2 (This one is looking to be a good one!)
  • The Tyrant Falls In Love vol.3 (Hehehe... >///<)
  • Fullmetal Alchemist vol.7
  • Honey Hunt vol.3 
  • The Story of Saiunkoku vol.2
  • Hetalia vol.2
  • Naruto vol. 8 (Shhh I love Naruto ok XD)
  • Psyren vol.2 (This one is really interesting! I've only read one volume, but I really recommend it! It's almost like Gantz... But waaaay less violent and explicit.)
  • Sand Chronicles vol. 4
  • Wild Ones vol. 2
  • Heaven!! Vol. 2
  • Ouran High School Host Club vol. 6 (Already read Ouran twice, but I'm reading it again)
  • Crimson Hero vol. 3
  • Girl Got Game vol. 1 (Requested this because it's the same artist as Love Attack! and Heaven!! Love her stories, especially her take-no-shit-from-anyone main girl characters)
Yeah, most are shoujo. I've already been over this, I'm a shoujo junkie. There are a couple that aren't shoujo  though. Not that it matters to me. I regret nothing, and I have nothing to hide. Except for The Tyrant Falls In Love, the only yaoi and 18+ manga on there. But I'll only hide that from my parents and most people I know in real life.... I'm a little worried that when I go to check it out from the library, they'll see on my account that I'm not 18, and ask me to get it out from the front desk or something. Usually I use the self checkouts... I don't want them to see it, because even the cover of it is obviously guy love... Oh well, if they do I just won't get it out. I'll read it online instead. XD

I also plan to watch as much Naruto as possible these holidays, to finally fill in all the gaps in my knowledge once and for all. No, I haven't seen every single episode. I've seen large chunks, but there are also chunks that I haven't watched yet. So I'm hoping to watch all of the original series. As for Shippuden, well... I'll say that I'm quite a way behind on that one... maybe next holidays I'll try catch up on that...

Oh wait, my next holiday isn't really a holiday. Because after this break, I only have three more weeks left of high school. Then it's three weeks of studying and final exams, and then... I'm free? My school life will be over until I go to Uni... but it's not really the same kind of student. Wow. Shit. Ok. It hadn't quite hit home yet. I still don't think it has. I just can't imagine not being at school anymore. I know I say that I hate it and everyone there, but honestly I'm not looking forward to leaving. Because there are people I will miss. Mostly, the Japanese students who have been here for two years and who I have become friends with. Also because, I'm gonna have to grow up. And I definitely don't want to do that. Ahh, I guess I'll think about all that when the time comes. No point worrying about it now. 

I'll leave it at that today. I'm still not happy with how my writing is... I feel like it will be painful for people to read. I'm sorry, and as always, I'll try harder next time~!

NP - I sing for you by THE KIDDIE (I love this song and band so much omfg)

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