Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Armageddon Expo~!

Ahhh, damn. It's been a while since I blogged. I don't even have a decent excuse this time. In short, the reason is laziness. I'm not sure why, but recently I've been feeling extremely lethargic, even more so than usual. Everything just takes so much effort, it's so tiring. I come home from school completely exhausted every day. I wake up in the morning not feeling any better. I guess it's because it's almost the end of an extremely busy year, and my final exams are coming up, and it all seems a bit much at the moment. Not that I'm actually stressing about anything, weirdly, I'm the complete opposite. I feel so chill. I think that comes with the laziness, haha. I should actually be stressing right now, though, because my first exam is in just under three weeks, and I've done minimal, if not zero, study. At least if I were stressed, I'd be putting more pressure on myself to study. Then I'd do it. Right now though, I'm just like whatever maaaan. Ehehe... Alright, alright, I'll get serious about studying... in the weekend.

So a lot has happened since my last post. Well, as much that could happen to a social recluse/vegetable like myself. It's mostly all stuff that is personal to me, though, that didn't require the need to leave the comfort of my home. Oh well! I guess the biggest thing that happened was Armageddon Expo 2012, so I'm dedicating  the rest of this post to it.

It was fantastic! Armageddon, like I've said, is about the closest my country gets to a convention. It's got gaming, comics, anime and pretty much everything geek. So I feel right at home there. It's on for three days, and usually I just go for one, but this year I decided to go for two. I think next year I'm gonna get the full three day pass, it's that wonderful. I got to wear my Gachapin kigurumi!

(Please ignore my derp XD)

My friend wore her Totoro kigurumi! (Again, ignore the derp)

It was really fun to wear, and I got asked for lots of pictures with people! At first I was a little shocked, cause I've never had someone ask me for a photo before. That's probably because I've only ever been in my normal clothes. So that was a really interesting experience! I also asked  people for photos, cause while there weren't many, there were some really cool cosplays there! My favourite person who I got a photo with was this Japanese guy. I'm not sure how old he was or what he was cosplaying, but he was so sweet and adorable I just had to have a photo with him!

Isn't he sweet? (Yet again, I am incapable of taking photos without looking horrendously derp)

This was my other favourite. ISN'T. SHE. PRECIOUS? She was the cutest cosplayer/girl I've ever seen! She was really shy, so she didn't want to look at me when I took the photo. XD

This is my friend (the Totoro girl) on the second day, with the Ice King! It was a pretty good cosplay! There were heeeeaps of Finn + Fionas, but there was also a really good Flame Princess which unfortunately I didn't get a photo of. ><

There were two giant Rilakkumas!(?)

We got photos with them later, they were dancing to Gangnam Style when we found them XD

I spent lots of money in those two days... I bought 12 volumes of manga, and three anime DVDs. But it was so worth it! I also ate too much McDonalds... it was only a 15minute walk from the venue, and all the food at the venue was way overpriced! I did do lots of walking though, so that makes up for it right? Both days were early starts, and we spent the entire day there (we were there both days until 5pm!) I had such a great time though, so I don't even care about that. There were so many people, it was so packed and noisy and crazy. Usually I'd hate that kind of thing, but I really loved it. I love being there. I feel like it's the one place where I actually belong, where I fit in. It's a place where it's okay to be myself. 

So of course, now I'm left with that depressed feeling, and the thought that it's going to be a whole year until I can go again. I'm already thinking of what I want to go as next year. At first I was thinking I would just wear my kigu again, with a different coloured wig, but then I started thinking... I really want to do a Kyary Pamyu Pamyu cosplay for Fashion Monster. I probably won't be able to manage it in the end, and there's no way I could really pull it off, I mean, apart from Kyary herself, who could? I would probably look silly... but it's just a thought! Who knows, it could turn out okay, right?

And that brings me to the end of my Armageddon blog post. It was fun! Next time I'll talk about the other things that have happened in the past two weeks, but really, they all just pale in comparison to the wonder that was Armageddon.

Now Playing - Demo Demo Mada Mada by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

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