Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mustache Cash Stash~!

I love Regular Show. Not as much as Adventure Time. But it's still pretty fanfuckingtastic. Oh, Rigby just nipple pinched Mordecai. You know, if Mordecai actually had nipples, but he doesn't, because he's a bird.

You know what I really hate? Doing puzzles. That shit is stupid. Especially 1000 piece puzzles. NEVER AGAIN. I will not waste any more minutes of my life on puzzles. I know that you're supposed to feel a little challenged and then feel really pleased with yourself once you complete it, but I just felt frustrated and then exhausted. That's about five hours of my life that I'll never get back, and for what? To see the end result for like, a minute or two and then have to take it all apart and put it back in the box because it's taking up too much space on the table? No thank you, sir.

One of the books that I got out the other day, Library Wars, was so good! I'm really looking forward to reading more. Admittedly, it is super typically shoujo. But hey, what am I supposed to do. I'm a real shoujo junkie, and honestly, I love it. Oh, the other two were also good though! I'm so curious to find out who Riika ends up with. I feel like it will be Soshi, but then again, I think that would be too predictable. So I go back and fourth like, Oh it's totally going to be Soshi, wait no way it has to be Night~ I actually can't pick my favourite pairing right now. I guess it would have to be Riika and Night... Maybe. Oh well, I'll find out soon! Bakuman was pretty good. I'll be honest, it seems like it's going to be a little slow moving. But that might be good for me! Hopefully I'll finally have found a series that doesn't make me want to scream and cry and rip my hair out then curl up and slowly rock in the corner of my room. I mean, I do like all the feels that I get, but sometimes I get waaaay too involved in the story. I guess what I'm getting at here is that it may be more light reading for me. The art is wonderful, as expected of Takeshi Obata, and the story is pretty cute. So I also look forward to reading more of that. In other manga news, six of my requested books arrived at the library today! But I didn't feel like doing my hair and makeup and putting on real clothes today. Pajama party, all day erryday! I'll get them tomorrow.

Because if my painfully slow internet, I've been writing this post over the course of about four days. Sometimes I just couldn't be bothered waiting ten minutes for this page to load. I probably shouldn't have stopped writing though, because I'm in a considerably different mood than the mood I was in four days ago. I don't really know how to explain it, I've never been good at explaining how I'm feeling. It's like, when you go to the doctor and they ask you what you came to see them about, and you just look at your mother like, you explain. Actually, I guess it's not like that at all. Damn it, I don't even know what I'm saying. Basically, I just have been feeling really lonely. I don't actually think that 'lonely' is exactly the word I'm looking for, but I'll use it for now due to lack of a better word. I always knew that I don't really have that many friends, both real life and internet wise, but today I realised that outside of my home, there is only one person who I feel I can truly be myself around without worrying that I'll be judged. She makes up one of the only three people that I feel this way about. The other two live in the same house os me. And what's worse, two of the three people are leaving at the end of this year. They're exchange students from Japan, so they'll be going back home for good in December. I really don't know what I'll do when that happens. Also, I already knew this before, but damn, people change. I know change is an inevitable part of life and it's going to happen whether I like it or not, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept. I don't deal with change very well, I guess... I really don't want to go back to school. I'm going to feel so isolated. There isn't a single person there who I feel I can trust enough to talk to them about anything and everything without being judged. I feel like I just have acquaintances. I wish I could make friends on the internet. You know, fellow fangirls and such. But I just don't know how. Maahhhhhhhhhh. I don't know. Hopefully I can sort out this feeling before Monday... or at least figure out how to be civil towards people without having to be social. I'm just sick of people right now.

In other news, I finally plucked up enough courage to get out a couple of yaoi manga from the library today! Eeeep, don't show my mother! She would have a heart attack if she saw what her sweet little daughter was reading... I got out two that I had already heard/seen a lot about, so it wouldn't be too shocking. I got The Tyrant Falls in Love by Hinako Takanaga, and Finder: Target in the Viewfinder by Ayano Yamane. Two series that I believe are quite popular (I could be wrong, I'm just a humble noob~!), and aren't too graphic but are still super sexy. I know, deep down in my soul I knew it all along, but reading them in actual book format just solidified the fact - I'm hooked. Addicted. It's all downhill from here. JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL. I still feel a little unsure about being a yaoi fan, but I figured there was no point in trying to lie to myself anymore. I do feel like I'm looking at forbidden materials, like it's some kind of sin to be into this stuff... but I can't help it! I'm going to to my best to keep it a secret from everyone. Except my homestay student. She came with me to the library today, and she knows that I like BL (even though she says she isn't a fan, she has read a few slightly BL manga...). She doesn't judge me for it, and I'm so grateful. Although, she doesn't seem to know what exactly yaoi is, strangely enough, she is Japanese. So I haven't explained in great detail. I gave her a VERY vague description, a I'll let her learn the rest herself. I didn't want to have to explain it to her fully, because even though she is few months older than me, she's so cute and innocent! I didn't want to soil her purity... Oh, that could sound weird. I mean, I didn't want to be the one to educate her about... well... gay sex. Oh god, even I feel uncomfortable writing that! I'm going to be the worst yaoi fan ever...

I swear, if anyone I know in real life EVER reads this... I'm going to dig myself a hole and die of embarrassment...

I've actually been reading a lot more manga, mostly shoujo. I really want to talk about them, but this post is long enough as it is. Shit, man, this is turning into some kind of manga blog. I just don't really have much else going on in my life to write about, so manga it is! God I'm lame...

NP - Rasen by Crazy★shampoo

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