Friday, July 27, 2012

Eternal Boyfriend~

Oh my god, I know it's such a fucking cheesy ending to the story but holy shit, man. The last chapter of Absolute Boyfriend... my feels //uglycry
I actually finished off the series just over a week ago. It was such a bitter-sweet ending! I still don't know how I feel about it. In a way it was so typically shojo, but then it also wasn't. Like, she didn't end up with the guy exactly... Sort of. It's an open ending, right. I don't think that Night will ever get fixed, and Riiko will slowly move on. I think that eventually Riiko and Soshi would end up together, even though deep down Riiko will never get over Night. Ugh, Night was so sweet. Poor Riiko, though... I felt so sorry for her! But I guess in the end it was for the best... I mean, they couldn't have been together forever. It wouldn't have worked. Old lady Riiko and eternally youthful Night? Nahh.
Wow, I feel really weird, talking about this like it actually happened/will happen. Sorry for being weird! I just get really sucked into my manga, particularly if it's shojo. Ehehe... ^^;;

I got a Gachapin kigurumi whooooo~! //derpdance
It seemed that Akinai Store restocked their Gachapin kigus the day after I wrote about how they were out of stock. Such an awesome coincidence! So I snapped one up pretty much straight away, and it arrived at my house exactly a week after I ordered it. I do just have a couple of things to say about, unfortunately they aren't all positive, but overall I'm very happy with it.
First and foremost, I want to talk about the material used. I knew when I ordered it that it wouldn't be a thick fleece one, because the only option was for a terry cloth one. And I knew that it would be quite thin because the material changes seasonally for some kigus (it's summer in Japan, so the material would be thinner). However, I didn't realise that it was going to be QUITE so thin. I've only worn it for less than half a day, because I'm so nervous that it's going to unravel or get riddled with holes. I swear I even saw threads starting to pull. It makes the price I paid for it seem a little bit unreasonable...
Another slight problem I have with it is his energy balls! The image on Akinai's webstore shows that these are actual balls, but on mine they are just slightly 3D printed on green spots (sorry I'm not sure how to explain it better!). I was a little disappointed with this, but then again the image does seem like it would be a fleece version of the kigu. I wish Akinai sold a fleece version too... maybe they will in winter? I'd totally consider buying a fleece one too. Then I'd have one for winter and one for summer! Sorry, that got a little off topic!
However, these issues aren't with Akinai Store, they're more to do with the manufacturer. Even so, it's still lovely! I'm so stoked to have it. I'm going to wear it to Armageddon Expo in October this year. Armageddon is the closest my lame country gets to any kind of cool expo/convention for nerdy/geeky things. I like going because there is always a Madman stall, so I can get cheap manga and anime. There are also a few cute nicknacks if you know where to look. There is a lot of vide

I'm going to see the Ghibli movie From Up On Poppy Hill tomorrow, for the International Film Festival! I'm excited! Last year we went to see Arrietty. It was the first time I'd seen a Ghibli movie with English subs rather than dubbed. I quite liked it that way, and this one will be the same, so I'm glad. And it seems like such a sweet movie!

Today I went shopping with my mum, homestay and friend/brother's girlfriend. We went to a lot of places, and I bought quite a few things, but I think I'll talk about my haul next time! This entry is getting long and I'm suuuuuper tired. I want a foot bath!

NP - EVEN IF I DIE, TOMORROW IS COMING by Lustknot. (I feel like Lustknot is yelling at me with this title)

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