Friday, July 6, 2012


My internet is freaking capped! Somehow we managed to use up 100% of our data block within three weeks. I don't know exactly how much we get each month, but it's a fair amount. So I really don't know how it's already been used up, with one week left before we get our monthly block. I haven't been doing any excessive downloading or anything. I downloaded a couple of singles here and there, but nothing too major... Oh. Wait. Shit. As I was writing that I remembered that I downloaded LM.C's Nippon Budokan... that must have taken up quite a bit of internet. Damn, whenever our internet caps early, it always seems to come down to me and my downloading. I'm actually surprised that my internet provider hasn't sent me warning letters about illegal downloading. That's how it is in my country. If you're caught downloading things illegally, they send you a warning letter. Then if you're caught again, you get another warning letter. If you're caught a third time then it's a $15,000 NZD fine. But so far, I haven't even gotten a warning. I guess it's because I don't download all the mainstream shit, music and movie wise. I think that's what they're looking out for. Ahh, I just reread that and it makes me sound really hipster! I don't mean it in that way! I just don't listen to you know, Lady Gaga and such, because, well... Yeah, I think western pop music is shit. Mehhh I wasn't planning on getting into a musical debate with myself here, and I know that's a poor explanation that would get me bricked, but I'm gonna leave it at that for now.

So far, none of the books that I requested from the library have arrived! I know it's only been two days, but they only have to transport the books from different places within the same city! But I was really hoping that at least a few of them would be ready for pick up today... that means I'm not going to be able to get them until Monday. Phooey. I went to the library today anyway, just to check out what manga they had. Usually my local library is pretty crap when it comes to the manga section (by section I mean one or two small shelves), but today I had some good finds! They had volume one of Bakuman, so I was particularly stoked about that! I've been wanting to read it for a long time now. I also picked up volume three of Absolute Boyfriend. Gahh, I know, I know. I'm such a girl... But I can't help it! Shoujo manga is so addictive! I was pleasantly surprised to find volume three, because that was the next one I had to read. Feels like fate, doesn't it? I also got out another Shojo Beat manga that I've never heard of called Library Wars. It doesn't sound like a typical shoujo story, so I'm looking forward to reading it. I've actually already read Bakuman and Absolute Boyfriend, so that one is next! I just realized that I've been talking about manga a lot lately... maybe too much. I'm sorry! ><

I feel like I'm just verbally spewing onto this blog. It doesn't seem to have much structure. I'm kind of just talking... I don't use the backspace key in my blogs unless I make a spelling or grammar mistake, or if I want to rearrange the order of a sentence. I rarely delete what I have written purely because I change my mind. Once it's down, it's down, no holding back. I like to think that it makes my blog more honest, but it probably just makes it really painful and dull to read. I'm rambling a lot today especially... again, I'm sorry! I'll try harder to give what I write more direction and fluidity!

Watching Naruto Shippuden reruns on Cartoon Network. I've lost count of how many times I've watched the first fourty or so episodes because Cartoon Network here is crap and that is all they have of the series right now. I have watched more online, but I'm still miles behind. I was planning on catching up in my break, but... capped internet is capped, remember? And also, I prefer to watch Naruto with English dub. Yes, shoot me now, I actually don't mind the English dub of something~ It seems like a crime to watch anime with English dub.... Anyway, that's how I started watching Naruto, it's how I've always watched it, and I probably will always watch it dubbed. I just can't get used to Japanese voices this late into it, you know? I'm so used to the characters voices, it feels weird to watch it in Japanese. That's just me, though.

See, more rambling! I need a filter or something... Ok, I'm done for today. Sorry for a boring post~

NP - Ryuusei lyrical by -the MelT-

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