Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Two Brave Samurai~

I haven't written a personal post in a little while, huh. Guess it's about time I did, seeing as I have nothing else to do. Actually, I never have anything else to do. But you knew that already.

Actually, some things have happened since my last post. Good, bad, neutral. But I don't really want to talk about the bad. Because it's too depressing. Seriously, Called≠Plan disbanding? That's just not okay. And I'm not okay with it. So I'm afraid I can't talk about it right now. I just can't.
Lalala anyway, what happened that was good, then? Well, I guess my 18th birthday is pretty good, right! Yeah well sort of. Because my birthday fell on a Sunday this year, I had to go to work. Work on my 18th birthday. Such fun. I didn't actually mind too much, because I didn't really want to do anything in particular for my birthday, so at least I got to do something. I'm just not really fussed about making a big deal of birthdays, you know. And it turned out alright, anyway, because in the evening I went out with my family to this amazing little Japanese restaurant called Kura. When we made the reservation, my parents told them it was my birthday, so two of the waiters (one of which was realllly cute) came and sang me happy birthday. It was so adorable. And then they gave me green tea ice cream with a little birthday candle in it, to which my mum added more candles that she bought with her. It was fun! Actually, we'd been to this restaurant before, and I'd always planned to have my first taste of sake there on my 18th birthday. Me and my friend thought that it would be appropriate for us to try the one called 'Two Brave Samurai', but 'Young Beautiful Boy' was also a contender. Seriously they had the most hilarious names for their sake. But, when we got there we both realized that we had forgotten our IDs. So we stuck with cola. It wasn't too disappointing though, because I don't really care for alcohol anyway, and the cola was much cheaper. It was a nice night, with good food and good company! Then when we got home I watched Howl's Moving Castle, which in case you weren't aware, is my favourite movie. Of all time. Ever. In the history of forever. So yeah, it was a good end to the day. I'm no legally an adult LOL WHAT I'M GOING TO BE IMMATURE FOREVER.

We ordered some sashimi for starters. I didn't actually take any other photos of our food, because we were all really hungry and just wanted to eat. Sorry not sorry.

Birthday ice cream! It was really nice of them to do that~

Another good thing that happened was the day before my birthday, when me and my friend went to get our nails done! I've wanted to have my nails done Japanese style for a long time, but I'd never been able to find anywhere here that does that kind of nail art. But then one day I stumbled across a sign for a little nail place in Auckland city called S's Nail, which is owned by a lovely Japanese lady called Satomi. So, I went and picked up a business flyer, and a couple of weeks before my birthday, I made an appointment. I actually emailed her some pictures of styles that I liked first, asking if she could do something similar. She replied saying she could, and gave me estimates of how much each design would cost. And I was pleasantly surprised, as her prices are extremely reasonable! So we turned up for our appointments, mine being first at 1 pm, and my friend at 2.30 pm. Our appointments went a little over time, though, so we were there until about 4.30. It's understandable though, it was a lot of work for one person. But it was so fun, and she was so nice that it didn't feel like that long at all. I'm really happy with how they came out, and I can't wait to go back to her for a new style in about a months time~ 

These are my nails, the photo is from her Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ssnailgelnail?ref=ts&fref=ts). The little bows/hearts and things are actually 3D art, made out of acrylic on top of the base gel, and then covered by clear gel. I have so many layers of paint/gel on my nails, I lost count. It was about $135 NZD for mine, which I though was pretty good, considering it took her about 2 hours. 

And of course, there's the compulsory mirror photo. I haven't really felt like wearing wigs lately, so that's my real hair, curled. I quite like it.

I guess I'd better wrap up this post soon, so the last good thing I'll talk about is the music I've recieved recently~ 

Golden Bomber's The Past Masters Vol. 1 (Types A+B) These albums were so cheap, and I couldn't decided which type I wanted the most, so I just went for both types. And I regret nothing. 
Also with this order was ALSDEAD's Separator, which I've already posted about (sort of). And you all know how much I fucking LOVE this band and this album. 

Then it was MEJIBRAY's mini MESSIAH.bat and LOST ASH's THE REAL. As for MESSIAH.bat, it's really good, and I'm really digging it right now. But I can't help that feel that Silvers.exe was better. But that's just my opinion. I've also already posted about THE REAL, so you should know already that I also fucking LOVE this album, this band is growing on me more and more every day. 

And lastly, Kameleo's Now! I adore Kameleo, these guys are really amazing. So fun and so unique. They're really fun to watch. And they're all such cool guys. The music is generally very positive and upbeat, but this album also showcases their softer, more sentimental side, in a way. And they manage to touch on some very serious issues without making it too in-your-face serious, which is admirable. I urge you to give them a go, really.

Actually, there is one more good thing that's happened. After five years of waiting, I finally got my lip pierced! It's a labret piercing, i.e. the one in the middle of the bottom lip. Am I visual kei yet?
The day after my 18th birthday I went and got it done. Here, you have to be 16 with parental permission, or 18 to get piercings other than nose/ears/belly button. My parents have always been against me getting it done, so I waited until I was 18, out of respect for them. But I talked it through with them, and explained that when I got it done, it wasn't an act of rebellion or out of disrespect for them, it was just something I've wanted for a long time and I was finally able to get it. They still don't agree with it, but they at least understood my position. Which is nice, because I really do respect my parents, and I don't want to make them unhappy. I don't have any photos with it yet, but hopefully next time!

Until then, children~


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