Tuesday, August 28, 2012


For a while now I've been thinking that I should update my blog. You know, change the layout and format and all that. And I really would like to, because honestly, this one that I have now I super fucking boring. It's been the same since I first started this blog just over three years ago. The thing is, I just really don't like any of the other pre-set layouts provided by Blogger, and I'm waaay to technologically impaired to make my own. Seriously, I am clueless when it comes to HTML and coding... Which is actually quite funny, considering that I've been taking Web Design as a subject for the past two years. I don't actually do any work in that class, though. It's like my second free subject. When we have work to do, I just ask my teacher and he basically tells me exactly what to do. Um, tangent, ok... Anyway, I'm going to take another look at the pre-set templates and see if I can find something a little more exciting. I guess I'll just have to play around with it a little and see what I can work out, and what I come up with. I might need to wait a bit though, until I have enough time to really get stuck in and focus on it. I have mid-term exams coming up in two weeks, so from now on I'll be super busy and nerdy with studying... Or at least, I'll pretend that's what I'm doing. I've never really been that good at studying, but I surprisingly manage to get by with pretty good grades. Maybe just for now I'll try to find a pre-set template that's a little more interesting than this, that I'll use temporarily.
Also, one of these days I'll figure out how add photos to these posts... I bet it's probably not even that difficult, I'm just an idiot. I guess I'll do that at the same time as the layout shizz. At least this way, it gives me enough time to figure out what to post photos of. I'm not really very confident with myself at all, so I wouldn't really want to post photos of my face... And my clothes aren't really cool enough to do outfit posts. I'm just generally quite plain and average. Ahh, well. I'll figure it out. I just feel like having photos will make my blog at least a little more interesting. And I need all the interesting I can get. ><;;

Writing this post is making me feel really dizzy. I haven't been feeling so good for the last two days, and I'm off school today. I probably shouldn't be using my computer at all, I knoooow. But I'm so bored~ There isn't even any entertaining trash on E! channel. Just E! News and boring THS junk.

Oh, I ordered more things on Sunday! Well, this time it was just one thing. I ordered it from Rakuten again, this time from a seller/store called Mansaiya. Whenever I search for things on Rakuten, this seller always comes up. I guess that's because I mostly search for clothes like SUPER LOVERS. And, they ship to my country, so I don't have to go through a shopping service. Again, I ordered from here because it worked out to be much cheaper than CDJapan.
BUT, I'm not going to lie, I'm getting a little worried about both of my recent orders. I ordered from the SUPER LOVERS online/Rakuten shop on Thursday last week. I did get the automatic confirmation email and everything, but it's now Tuesday afternoon and I haven't heard anything more from them. They haven't emailed me saying that it's been posted to my Tenso address, and Tenso certainly haven't received it yet. I'm hoping that it's something to do with the fact that I payed by credit card, and that it will take a while for the payment to go through. Then once they get my payment, they'll post my order.
I have similar concerns for my Mansaiya order, although I did only order on Sunday, so I'm not as concerned. But still, I haven't heard anything from this store either... I'm not sure what to do. How long should I wait until I email the sellers? I dunno maaaaan. I guess I'm just over-thinking and such because I've never ordered from here before. It'll be fine. I'm sure it will be fine. Whoo~

In other *fangirl* news, FUCKING YES GOTCHAROCKA NICONICO. When I saw the announcement   that they were going to be on a live stream, I so nearly cried. I'm so happy, I don't even care that it's way late here and I'm sick as fuck. After missing their last one, because I'm the biggest retard ever and got the timing/dates all wrong, I was so heart shattered, and I was beginning to think that I missed the only chance.
I actually started this before the broadcast was on... it was done with purpose, though, because I wanted to be able to fangirl after watching it. So, here goes...
OMFGSAFSDGDFG. THEY'RE SO PERFECT. I really, really loved watching them. It doesn't matter in the slightest that I couldn't understand a word. Just seeing them all laugh and smile made me so, so happy. They're a really great bunch of guys. You know how I like to ramble on about bands, and their band dynamic? Well, GOTCHAROCKA's band dynamic is so out of this world. They are perfect together as a band. I have no worries about them at all, I feel that they're going to be together for a long time. Ahhh I'm still buzzing about seeing them. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. This morning I was listening to them, and going through Toya's blog images, and I actually felt like I was going to cry. Happy tears, not sad tears! I was just like... I love these guys so fucking much. I am so thankful to Jun for bringing me to GOTCHAROCKA. It was also really great being able to chat with the WARPS/ROCKAS again... although, it wasn't quite the same as Jun's old Niconicos... oh well, it was something. And for that I'm extremely grateful~!
Also, I realised how much I love and adore Toya! I mean, I already new I loved him, but wow... He's so gorgeous and precious and perfect! He's way up there man, but of course, Jun is always number one in my heart~ Alright, fangirl spazz end.

Alright, now I really feel like junk. Time for a cup of tea then a nap~

NP - 4 minutes for you by GOTCHAROCKA

Friday, August 24, 2012

Your Gut Says He's Evil~!

My gut says he's good! Let's put our guts together, and end this funky feud~!
Yeah. Guess who's watching Adventure Time. As usual... Anyway, on with the show~

So, I know that it was announced a little while ago now, but it still hasn't quite sunk in yet that LILT will be disbanding soon. Really soon, in fact. I really adore LILT. I realise that I say this about a lot of bands, but every time I say it it's completely true. As for LILT, their music is just so fucking positive and upbeat, it's impossible to feel depressed or upset when listening to them. They may not be the greatest band in the world, and they may not be the most skilled musicians in the world (although I think they're all great - particularly Rei, he is amazing~), but their messages are strong and their passion is clearly just as powerful. I think when the members of a band are obviously loving what they do, and really enjoy being in a band together, it makes the experience all the more enjoyable; for the members and fans alike. I think I've actually already said something like this before, except in relation to THE KIDDIE. I truly believe it, for any band, the functionality of the band depends on the dynamic of the band and the relationships of the members. Ok, so I guess that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense... it sounded better in my head. Anyway, I guess what brought this on was the fact that I was derping on YouTube and I stumbled across LILT's PV for Sakuretsu Freedom. And the only thing I could think was that they all look so happy, like they're having so much fun together. It made me happy too, but sad at the same time. Happy, because... I guess it was just like an infectious happiness that came from that video. You can't not smile with them. I mean, Kou, Rubia and Rei's smiles are just too fucking precious, and while Tsuakasa may not smile quite as much, when he does it's just like a big D'AWWW. And they smiled and laughed together, while making this great, uplifting music that never fails to make my day that much brighter. And so for the same reason, it made me sad. Because there isn't going to be any more of that. Sure, I can always just listen to what they have released. But it won't be the same, knowing that these awesome guys that I love so much and bring me so much happiness are no longer together. No longer making their awesome music together, no more laughing during the making of PVs together. And it just makes me wonder what happened. What was it that lead them to the decision to disband? I know, we will probably never know the reason why. That's how it always is. But they just seemed so happy together, and they had so much potential. Their music was improving a lot, CxLOSE was a really good release, I was so excited about it. I thought that they would keep going, and keep improving, with each new release being better than the last. But I guess crying and booing about it won't change anything. They're going to disband. All I can do now is hope and pray that we see Kou, Tsukasa, Rubia, Rei and Yuuha again soon in new projects, and support them in whatever they choose to take on next. I really wish to see at least a couple of the members in the same new band at some point. Because I refuse to think that their disbanding was due to the members arguing and not getting along. There's no way. Their band dynamic really worked. And even if they aren't in the same band, I want to see them again soon in the visual kei scene anyway, because they're all great musicians, and great guys.
As for my personal thoughts on why they disbanded, and this is only an uneducated guess/musing more like, but maybe it was because they felt they had reached their limit musically-speaking as a band. Like, if they continued, there would be nowhere for their music to go - their musical direction would be at a dead end. So, that way, it's not an issue with the members. It's just that maybe they reached their limit as a band. Who knows, maybe they'll all come back together as a new band, kind of like SINCREA to Fest Vainqueur.
I know, this LILT-disbandment contemplation post is getting pretty long, but I just have one more thing. I kind of feel sorry for Yuuha, the newer member. I mean, he only got to be in the band for what, seven months or something? Having only one release with them. It kinda sucks for him. And he was really cool too! I was looking forward to seeing more of his skills and what he can do. Oh well, I hope to see him again soon.

Ok, wow, sorry. That was a really long rant(?), of sorts, for lack of a better word. And it was probably really incoherent and doesn't make much sense but ehhhh... I'm trying~! Ok, so moving on.
I used a shopping service for the first time yesterday. I used Tenso, because it seems like the most reliable - even Rakuten directs you to them. I wanted to order from the SUPER LOVERS online shop, because they had some things on sale that I've been wanting from CDJapan, but they aren't on sale there. So, I've placed my order and paid, and hopefully my items will be on their way to the Tenso address I was given, where Tenso will then mail them to me. I'm really fucking nervous, because I've never used a shopping service before, so here's hoping it all goes well. I'll do a better review-ish post once I actually get my stuff (and maybe by then I will have figured out how to add photos to a post~) .

Speaking of mail, I really can't wait to get my AYABIE and SID albums. Whaaaa hurry up mailman! I'll admit to downloading AYABIE's album already... I couldn't wait. And it's really fantastic, I love it. I think one of the best things is the intro song, and the way it flows into Rise. It's such a cute intro, and I love that it's the melody to Ryuusei, the last song on the album. Well played, AYABIE! It really pulled me into the album. But, again, I wanna talk about it more when I actually get my own copy... I think this post is long enough already. ^^;;

Today I was walking to school by myself, as always, listening to music in my own world. And acquaintance of mine caught up to me and started walking beside me. It took me a couple of seconds to notice, but when I did I stopped walking and was like, "What are you doing?". They said that they were walking with me, but I was just like, "No, thanks~". And then they were all, wtf... okay... and walked on ahead. I did feel a little mean, but I just really hate being interrupted on my walks to school. I like walking by myself, I choose to do it. It's the only time during the day when I'm not at home where I can be by myself and just think, gather my thoughts and be in my own world and such. I don't have to socialise (wow, I'm a loser...) and I can just be alone with my thoughts. Idk. Just let me have my alone time, dammit!

I'M SO SORRY FOR THIS LONG BORING POST. These are just the things that were predominantly playing on my mind when I decided to write this. I'm trying to be a more interesting person, but it's exhausting... please wait for me a little longer! ><

NP - LIVE Maniac by Jackman

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Deep Red Carbonated Beverage~


Ok. Phew. I'm done. I know, I know, I'm a little *a lot* behind, but I finally saw it! And god damn. Is he cool. And twisted! I love twisted characters. Ugh, I'm so curious about him, I can't wait until he shows up again.
But for the meantime, there's a new story arc! Ahhhh, I'm so pleased with myself, I'm finally completely up-to-date with Kuroshitsuji! I originally had this deal with myself that I wasn't going to read it online, that I would wait and read the volumes from the library. But the last one available from my library was volume 9, and there was no way I could wait another month before I could read the next volume! Volume 9 was such a cliffhanger! Then again, do any volumes not end in a cliffhanger... So anyway, I caved, and I ended up reading all of the chapters that have been released so far... up to chapter 72. The only problem is that now I have to wait a whole month for the next chapter to be released! Boooooo! It's getting really intense. I love seeing Ciel in a school boy uniform. It's so fucking sexy. Oh, but I feel like a bit of a cougar/creeper, calling a thirteen year old boy sexy... I can't help it though, he really is. Although, I guess most of the time I think of him as cute or adorable. Sebastian is more consistently the sexy one (and MY GOD is he sexy). It's just for this arc, with Ciel in the uniform and with all hidden evil smirks and ughhh my ovaries. I guess I have a uniform/shota fetish or something. But not in a creepy way! Wait, a fetish is creepy regardless. Oh no, I don't want to be creepy! Please tell me I'm not the only one who turns creepy when it comes to Kuroshitsuji! Umm, uuuuum, gotta say something normal about it. Ah, of course, Yana Toboso's artwork is flawless. I want to say that you can see her improvement as the story progresses, but really, her artwork was perfect from the beginning. It's been consistently and unwaveringly perfect throughout. She's so talented! I can't possibly find the words for it, nothing I can say would do her any justice. She's just, so amazing and fantastic. And her storylines are so creative! She's constantly leaving us guessing, wondering, and dying to know what's really going on, what will happen next. The stories are complex, and at times confusing, but not enough to make it unpleasant or un-enjoyable to read, and she always makes sure that things are explained in the end. Unless she plans on coming back to them later (like with the Undertaker, his character and goals and such weren't really explained to us, but we know that Toboso-san will be coming back to him at some point). I really, really respect and admire her. She's one of the mangaka that I would actually go fangirl-ga-ga over if I were ever lucky enough to meet her. I wouldn't know what to say, I wouldn't be worthy... //craicrai

Wow. Sorry about that lump of poorly written fangirling over Kuroshitsuji. I don't know how that happened, I just started writing about it and then I couldn't stop... Sorry~!

I've been listening to BugLug a lot more lately. They're really fucking fantastic. I'm so bummed that I missed out on getting the type of their new album that I wanted. Of course, I wanted a limited type. I just needed a little longer to save, too, but it's already all sold out on CDJapan. Boooo~ Oh well. I'm considering saving and buying it second hand from Closet Child CD instead. Speaking of music, AYABIE's album Answer is released tomorrow! Whooooo! So yesterday I got the email from CDJapan informing me that my copy (as well as my copy of SID's M&W awwww yissssss) has been shipped! Now I just have to wait a week or so for it to arrive here, then I can welcome and caress my new babies to my family! Oh... that got a little weird there. But I'm just so excited! I haven't had new CDs since I got ACE's Tales for the Abyss. Which is also a perfect album ahhh. So many good feels right now. I can't wait~

Ok, that's all I got for now. There's not a lot going on for me at the moment. Just school, sleeping and eating. And stress. But hey, nothing new there.

(Yeah, that's where the title of the post came from... msrry it was an afterthought I'll try to be less lame in the future ;;)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why Can't I Hold All These Limes?

BECAUSE YOU RACK DICSIPRIN. //irrelevant title is irrelevant~

I am such a fucking loser. I already knew I was. But I only just realized the extreme extent to which this is true. It kind of sucks, I'm probably never going to find like-minded friends because of my total loser-ness and I'll always feel different and lonely, but hey. I can't change the way I think about things. And I certainly will not change just to fit in. So I guess I'll have to live with it. I have so far...
Just so you know, this is partly due to my views on partying/drinking/smoking/drugs. I have this huge distaste for all of them. As a seventeen year old girl, I'm proud to say that I've never done any of it. And I don't want to. I don't see the need, I don't see the appeal. If you want to go on a buzz, drink a fucking energy drink. Most people would think that when I get older, then I'll want to go out partying and drinking. But honestly, I really don't think I will. I just hate the idea so much now, I can't imagine ever wanting to do it. It honestly holds no interest for me. At all. But whatever... I've never found anyone who has the same values and attitudes towards this subject as I do, so I've accepted the fact that I probably never will. Literally, forever alone.

So lately I've been thinking, I really would like to buy a lolita dress/one-piece. I just have one reservation. I don't dress in lolita, I don't own a single piece of lolita clothing. I really do love the fashion, it just doesn't always suit my personal fashion and/or budget. All I want is one, maybe two pieces of lolita. Nothing too extravagant, just something simple and cute. I wouldn't wear it in the traditional lolita style, I'd want to mix and match it with my punkier items of clothing. Now, I that there are people who already do this, and it looks awesome. But then there are people, usually the everday/lifestyle lolitas, that CAN get a little bitchy about this use of lolita. I say can, because I know not every one of them will be like this, but I really can't be bothered dealing with the ones who are like that. Is it really harming anyone if you have one lolita dress and wear it in your own way? Do we have to be lifestyle lolitas in order to wear one dress that we like? Do there have to be rules when it comes to fashion, your own personal style? I don't think so. So I will eventually buy a lolita dress, once I find a cute one within my budget. And I will wear it my way.  And idgaf what any elitist lifestyle lolita says.

Lately, a whole bunch of new visual/jrock bands have been springing up. And I absolutely love it! It's so cool to find brand new bands to support, and most of them have quite fresh looks. The only downside is that sometimes it takes a little while between the first introduction of the band, until we are able to hear some of their music. So I'm just sitting here hoping that the music of these new bands is as fresh as their looks. One new band in particular that I think looks promising is Neverland. Seriously, just their name is so cool! And their first look is pretty fucking amazing. I'm so amped to hear their music! Bring it on! I'm so grateful to the Jrock UK Updater (aka edohsama.blogspot.com) and all it's wonderful mods for informing us fans of these new bands, and for keeping us up to date on all the old favourites! -bows-

Well, today's post has been a bit of a mishmash. I've run run out of energy, and things to say. I'll round up here, so good night/good morning/good day/whatever it is wherever you are~!

NP - Let's Go KY by Golden Bomber

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We Will Always Be THE KIDDIE~!

Man, I fucking love THE KIDDIE. I've suddenly started having uber fangirl feelings towards them. Don't get me wrong, I've loved them for a long time now, and their music never fails to bring a smile to my face. But recently, I've started paying a lot more attention to them and loving them even more. I think one of the things I love the most about them, after their wonderful music of course, is their amazing friendship. Seriously, it's so beautiful and genuine to me. Obviously, there's no way I could possibly know if that's actually true. But if you just look at their photos, especially recently, it really looks like they love hanging out together and they genuinely are like best friends, or even brothers. It just seems so natural. Their friendship is so strong and effortless, I think it communicates with the fans in a way, it reaches us. And it makes me feel so happy and secure. I love seeing photos of them having fun, being dorks, doing whatever. Because they do it together. And I just think it's really beautiful. Honestly, it gives me an even deeper appreciation for their music. I believe that they truly love making music together, and that makes listening to it even more enjoyable and special. I really feel that they're going to be together for a long time, and they will always be THE KIDDIE!

You know, I feel that when it comes to Jrock, you just can't win with some fans. I don't really know what the best way to explain it is... So I'll do it this way. Imagine there is a band that you've heard a bit about, maybe listened to a song or two of theirs, or watched a PV on YouTube. You do like what you have heard, but you feel that you just haven't really listened to them all that much. At least, not enough to say if you really like them or actually aren't so keen on them. So you don't really know how to answer when someone asks, do you like them? I feel like in this situation, I would feel very uncomfortable. I wouldn't want to say yes, because like I said, you haven't listened to them enough to decide if I do like them, and if you do say yes but then don't know things like the names of the members, what their latest singles are etc, the fan will get all batshit crazy and bring out the "You're not a real fan" crap. But then if you say no, then the fan will still go batshit crazy on you and accuse you of all sorts of unfair things and claim you have no soul and wouldn't know good music if it punched you in the face. So all you're left with is to tell them that you don't know, because you haven't really listened to them, or haven't listened to them at all. And then again, the fan gets batshit crazy, and is all, how can you not know this band oh my glob and you call yourself a visual/Jrock fan?!
Now, I've never been in this situation, and I've never seen it play out exactly like this, but I have seen aspects of it around. And it makes me worried. I'm just going to put it out there, I had a couple of specific bands in mind when writing that. And I'm probably going to get totally bricked for this, but they are the GazettE, and Dir En Grey //hides. There are actually many others, but these two seem to stick out the most. I feel so much pressure that these should be bands that I am totally familiar with their musical history, and I should love both of them. But in all honesty, I haven't given either much of a listen. In fact, I've never listened to Dir En Grey. I've only ever heard a couple of songs of the GazettE, too. This is where people misunderstand. Just because I say that I don't 'like' these bands, doesn't mean that I hate them or doubt their talent. I just haven't listened to them much. That's all. I'm sure they are really great, but they just don't appeal to me right now. Is that ok? It seems like when you tell someone that you don't like Dir En Grey, you get bricked, and when you say you haven't listened to them, shit just hits the fan... haa, see what I did there? Anyway. That's pretty much the best I can do with trying to get my thoughts on it down. I know it's probably not very clear, and I've probably just dug myself into a giant hole. More like a black abyss. But I've just been thinking about this a lot lately, and I had to try and get it down.

More sort of on the same subject, sometimes the reason why I never really get into some bands, particularly older bands, is because they just have too much music. A band that has been around for ten years now, has something like 23 full albums, 12 mini albums and 64 singles (please not the exaggeration). I mean, of course, if I REALLY love their music, then I will take the time to go through and listen to as much as I can, but if I just like the music, you know, like think that is's 'okay', then I won't bother too much. Therefore, for such bands, while I may like the music of theirs that I've heard, I don't feel right calling myself a fan of said band. Shit, Misa... just keep digging that hole of yours... you aren't going to be able to climb out so easily. Hahaaaa... I guess I also just like to support the newer bands who don't get much appreciation. Or something like that. I'll stop now. XD

Just going back to THE KIDDIE for two seconds, I feel the need to mention that I have also recently started shipping members. I FEEL AWFUL FOR DOING IT. But I can't stop it now! I never thought I'd ship them... they're so innocent! Damn my dirty mind. If you're curious, I ship Yuudai with Jun, and Yusa with Sorao. Poor Yuusei. I just don't see him with any of the members, right?

Wow, very music-related post today, huh. On a not music related note, my cat is sitting on my leg and now my leg has gone dead. I can't feel my foot. I think I should go for a little walk now.

Friday, August 3, 2012

We Are Rock People~!

Fuck. I miss Jun's Niconico weekly live streams. I miss chatting with all the WARPS, fangirling and squealing over collarbones and thighs, Beardy, his occasional tipsy-like behaviour, the Happy Birthday song in adorable engrish, the always asking for a kiss but not getting it (except a couple of times, ohmygod). Having something to look forward to every week, something that could get me through the week. Knowing that no matter how bad a week it had been, Jun and all the WARPS would be there. I guess I miss the the general feeling of the streams. The feeling that I actually belong somewhere. The feeling of being part of one big, awesome, crazy family. Seriously, the Spiv States/Jun fandom is the only one that I've ever felt comfortable in, or like I am actually a part of. Ugh. Now I'm really sad. How do I deal~!

Ok, so the other day in class, someone who I thought was supposed to be something of a friend of mine, said something that struck a nerve with me. Long story short, he essentially said, straight to my face, that visual kei is 'disgusting', and he doesn't understand why guys would willingly make themselves look more feminine and the fact that they do look like girls is disgusting. All I was doing was looking at a photo that Jun (Utahiroba, of Golden Bomber), had posted in a blog entry. That's all. I wasn't harming anyone, I wasn't talking to him, just minding my own business.I didn't ask for his opinion. It was weird, because usually he just jokes about my 'men in skirts', but I don't mind that so much, because I know he's just kidding around and isn't trying to be mean.
I was shocked. I didn't even know what to say, it was so random and out of the blue. I was so fucking upset and angry that I actually had to get up and leave the room. I don't know why, but I felt like I was going to burst into tears, like it was my mother that he was insulting. It really, really hurt. I wanted to punch him in face. And even though it was quite clear that what he said hurt me, he hasn't apologised. No, I don't want him to apologise for having his own opinion, but generally, when you hurt someone, you should apologise for hurting them. He knows that my music and bands are practically my whole life, and I just don't get why he had to say something so rude about it. Honestly, he didn't have to fucking say anything at all. I didn't ask him what he thought, I didn't ask him to look. He could have just kept his mouth shut. I haven't talked to him since then, and honestly, I don't care if I never talk to him again. He really wasn't even that good of a friend.

What makes it worse, was that recently I've been feeling quite lonely. I don't really have anyone else who has the same musical interests as me. Sometimes I just want to fangirl the fuck out, but with another fangirl, not by myself all the time. I don't know anyone else other than my homestay who likes visual kei. At school I feel so alone, even when I have people around me. I can't talk to any of my 'friends' about my music, and if/when I do, I feel like I shouldn't because they don't care. It's really hard to be a visual fan, huh... Especially when you're an internet nobody and you don't even have online friends to fangirl with. I just feel... so... ughh.

Oh wahhh, this post was really depressing, huh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to be.
Oh, funny story! Yesterday, I was sitting in Geography class doing my work (I sit up the front), and I happened to overhear two guys who sit at the back of my class talking. Their conversation, from where I heard it, went something like this:
Guy 1 - "Ouch!"
Guy 2- "I didn't even go that hard!"
Guy 1 - "But it hurt!"
Guy 1 - "Stop it, it feels weird!"

My jaw literally dropped, as did my pencil. My brain automatically went HOLYSHIT YAOI SENSITIVE UKE WTF AM I THINKING UGH. I turned around, and they were actually just punching each other on the arms, but still. I have issues man. Seriously, though, what was I supposed to think!
Speaking of yaoi, I think I may have jumped the gun a bit with it. I mean, after reading those volumes of yaoi a few weeks ago, I haven't actually read any more. I haven't felt the overwhelming desire to, like I thought I would. I'm certainly not obsessed. Maybe it was just a one day thing. Is it possible to be a light yaoi reader, like, read a volume or two occasionally? I guess I'll find out. I have recently started shipping Yuuto and Syu from CalledPlan, though. So hard. XD

Sorry for the long post today. I have a lot on my mind. I'll finish here as I am, in just a few minutes, going over to CDJapan to purchase SID's new album M&W [Type A]. I've been listening to it all week, seriously. It's amazing, so well arranged and beautiful and lovely and ahhh. I'm just trying to decide if I should pre-order AYABIE's new album in the same order... It's a lot of money, but I don't want to miss out on it. I love AYABIE. And it would mean that I would have to wait longer for SID's album to arrive here. Oh well, ftp, I'm doing it! Ftp, really? Wow, I'm lame.

NP - Konagona by SID