Monday, February 17, 2014

Expel Thy Vast Defilement~

Well hey there stranger!
Been a while huh? Lots of things have happened lately, I feel like I've been really busy! Even though that's probably not the case at all haha. Now, I know that my next post was supposed to be about my Japan trip (which was totally fucking awesome and I can't wait to visit again), but I've since dropped the idea of writing about it. I know, it seems really weird that I wouldn't, right? I can't really explain it myself. Honestly, I did try to write it. I tried and gave up like seven times. Long story short, I just felt like I couldn't get it right. No matter how hard I tried to talk about it or express how I thought/felt about it, I couldn't do it any justice. It never made sense or I always wrote way too much or not enough or something. And plus, I feel like at this point I've left it for too long, and now I'm at the point where it doesn't seem real, even to me. It feels like a distant dream or something. Of course I can remember it well, but putting those memories into words is something different entirely. And it got to the point where it was too overwhelming to try. I wasn't enjoying writing about it, sadly, as there was too much to write and I just didn't feel up to it. I know, that's a pathetic excuse. I'm very sorry.
That being said I do intend to do a photo spam post of my trip in due time! I just need to go through all my photos again, cause boy I took a lot. I didn't want to write about it but I didn't want to leave you with nothing, so being the lazy shit I am I figured I'd take the easy way out by just posting a bunch of photos, rather than trying to write a balanced entry about the two weeks I spent there. Rather than tell you in writing, I'll show you through photographs! So please look forward to that!
Further, if you have any questions or would like to talk to me about my trip, please feel free! You can comment here, message me on Tumblr (find me here) or chuck me a tweet on Twitter! I spent eight days in Tokyo and eight days in Osaka, but I ventured to more places from Osaka, and I'd be more than happy to talk about any aspect of my trip and share my (shockingly limited) experiences with you!

So, what am I going to blog about now, if not Japan? Well, anime of course. What else would I blog about hahaha...//sweats nervously
We're well underway with the current season and I'm seriously loving it, so of course, being the fucking nerd I am, I really wanted to blog about it. It won't be too long, as I'm only really watching four series this season, but god are they good. I don't really want/need to talk about what I've dropped this season, as I only really dropped a couple. I actually limited myself this time round from the beginning, so I didn't have the problem of trying to keep up with too many things at once. Plus it's not that important anyway. So, here's what's on my agenda this season!

Gin no Saji Season 2 (銀の匙 2)
After totally falling in love with the first season, how could I not watch this? How can anyone not be watching this? I'm totally head over heels for this series. It's what keeps me going, what gets me through each week. It gives me warm happy feelings inside and Fridays (the day the subs come out for me) never seem to come soon enough. However it does have it's moments where it can get quite tense, and I think that's part of what makes this series so good. It's a perfectly balanced between light-heartedness and seriousness, and it has real characters who face real challenges, which makes it very relatable to a broad range of people. It just feels very real. It's really fun to watch, it's fun to watch the characters grow and learn more about themselves and each other. But it also gives you enough to become very attached to these characters, and wish for their happiness. Now this may just be my bias towards him, but I think Hachiken, our main protag, exhibits this the most. At a glance he seems pretty simple, and I suppose for the most part he is, but he actually has his fair share of complexities as a character. I can't help but love him intensely. When he succeeds, when he's happy, I'm happy. When he's upset or anxious, I feel that with him. He's very precious and misunderstood and he has his own very real demons to face that sometimes get the better of him but he always manages to pull through, with the help of the people around him of course (although sometimes they are the cause of his, slumps, per say). I have a lot of feelings towards this series, in case you hadn't already picked up on that. It's just seriously so, so good. 

Hamatora: The Animation (ハマトラ The Animation)
Honestly I'm not really sure what to say about this one. Mostly because I do t really know what it's about/what's going on myself. Don't misunderstand me, I actually really like it so far! I'm just a bit lost as to what the true... story is I guess? I'm not really sure of its direction at the moment. But that doesn't mean it's no good! If anything it makes it really good, because I'm so intrigued by it I keep watching each week in anticipation. And it's actually really cool so far. It's quite unusual. And it's pretty twisted, despite all the bright colors. In terms of art, it's honestly not great, but it's good enough. The character designs are really cool. The characters themselves are also really cool. Something that I really like about this anime is that, while the whole idea of it itself isn't all that original, the 'powers' that the characters have are. Like, it's so much more interesting than just, oh this guy has super human strength. The main character, Nice, has the ability to manipulate and bend sound to his will. Seriously how cool is that? And with their powers they can do so much. It's kinda hard to explain, so you'll have to watch it to find out huehuehue. I'm seriously so curious to see where this series is heading, to find out what it's all building up to. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm expecting big things. Big, intense, mind-fuck things. Im also expecting pain and suffering and emotions and feels and wow this is anime is gonna hurt I can feel it already. But I'm enjoying it so much, so I'll gladly suffer through it, and pray for the happiness (and safety) of the characters.

Hoozuki no Reitetsu (鬼灯の冷徹)
This was actually the only anime that I was aware of prior to the season beginning (I had a lot going on and I didn't have time to plan ahead for this season ok). And that was only because it was already all over the place in Japan while I was there, before the anime had even started. But I knew from the moment I saw the displays in Animate that I would definitely be watching this one. A dark comedy series about the Japanese after-life, centering around a seriously handsome demon and the unusual shenanigans he has to deal with as Chief of Staff of Japanese hell? It doesn't get much better than that in my book. If I said it had a clear plot, and that it was progressing towards a particular point in the story, I'd be sent to the hell for liars when I pass. It's really just a collections of short tales about the problems and people that Hoozuki meets as he goes about his life. It's really refreshing, as it's quite an unusual series. I can't say I've ever really come across anything quite like it, that's for sure. And I'm very much enjoying it! While there isn't really anything suspenseful or highly dramatic, it still has plenty going for it to keep me invested. It's funny, a little bit cynical/twisted, it has likable characters, really cool artwork, it's easy to watch and enjoy... the fact alone that it doesn't totally tear your heart out and trample on it is a huge plus. It just wins all round. 

Noragami (ノラガミ )
I think all you need to know about this series is that I'm 100% hooked I have been sucked into the vortex of 'fucking-with-your-emotions' that is Noragami. Goodbye friends. I am gone.
Seriously though, this series is extremely captivating. I'll admit, the anime alone wasn't enough to catch me completely, but it was definitely intriguing enough to make me want to know more about it, which lead me to reading the manga. Well, as much as there has been translated/summarized in English so far. And that, my friends, is what did it for me. I wish I could talk more about the manga, but I won't because spoilers. Plus this is supposed to be an anime post jfc Misa get it together. Honestly, the pacing of the anime is slow, I won't deny it, but that is actually one aspect of it that remains true to the manga. The manga focuses heavily on character and plot development, so it is fairly slowly paced. But that allows it to be incredibly detailed and in depth. I'm glad the anime didn't just go rushing through it. That being said, it's obviously moving along with the story quicker than the manga, because if it didn't then people would lose interest. Anime sort of has to be quicker and get to the point relatively quickly, particularly if it's a short series. I believe Noragami will only have 12 episodes, so they do need to move things along in order to get all the important stuff in before it ends. Unless of course, they're planning on having a second season, which I personally am praying for. There's so much more to this story that I feel the anime won't even get a chance to touch on within these 12 episodes. So depending on how they end this season, I think there's a good chance of getting a second season. I really adore pretty much all the characters in this series, other than the *real* antagonists, which I won't say more about now. Yato in particular has really stolen my heart though. Hiyori is a seriously good character too. Even Yukine, despite what he's going through right now. Kazuma is an angel. Kofuku is a cutie. Seriously, they're all so lovable and they each have very strong points. What drew me to this series was probably the whole 'gods' aspect, I really like series based around this kind of thing. That being said, I feel that Noragami is actually quite unique within it's genre. I think I'll stop here, because if I don't then I never will oops. Honestly, I've found a favourite in this series, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the anime progresses, and whether or not we'll be lucky enough to get a second season.

That's pretty much it for the new anime. I am also watching Pupipo! and Pupa, but they're both short and tbh I don't really have much to say about them. Other than what the actual fuck, in relation to Pupa. I'm also still watching Daiya no Ace, despite nearly having to stop the episode and leave the room every week due to the insane amounts of second-hand embarrassment that the fucking dork Eijun causes me. He literally makes me physically cringe and groan and hide my face in my hands in every episode because he's the world's biggest (and most lovable) idiot.
If you want to talk to me or discuss anything about these anime, I'm more than willing to chat with ya! I love sharing thoughts and having in-depth discussions about things like character development/relationships/themes/plot etc so feel free to share your ideas or thoughts with me!

Ok! And that's it for this post! I swear my next post will actually be about my Japan trip (I'm already working on it ok I promise) so check it out!

See you~

Now Playing - My Favorite Monster by LM.C

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