So this is it, part two of my adventures in anime! It's finally done. This one was harder to write than the first one... I'm tired.
I kind of just want to get to it, so I'll keep this short. Part one of my anime adventures can be found here (although you can probably find it just by scrolling down). All my introductory stuff can be found there, so go read that one first ok! If you want. It's up to you. Also, sorry if the names of all the series aren't quite right. Like, I'm not sure if I should call them by simplified names, or the name of the video game it's based off etc. I apologize in advance.
So let's get started, yeah~
Kamisama Hajimemashita (神様はじめました)
I'll start with a positive one. This series is really cute, huh! I'm reading the manga for this, and I really love it, so of course I wanted to watch this. I'm really pleased with this anime. Other than the crappy opening and closing songs, I can't really fault it on any aspect. It follows the story of the manga nicely, up until the last two episodes where it deviates. This is expected, though, as the manga is much longer than the 13 episodes for this series, so a way to end it that doesn't happen in the manga was inevitable. It wasn't a disappointing ending by any means though, in fact it was really well done! I was happy to see that Nanami dancing the kagura was incorporated into the ending, it was really nicely done. The humor of the manga translates very well into the anime, so I found myself laughing while watching just as much as I do when reading. Nanami is a relatable heroine, and she is really likable, unlike many other shoujo heroines who are just downright irritating. You really come to love Nanami, and you want the best for her. I'm not going to lie, Tomoe is pretty much your standard tsundere shoujo love interest, in terms of personality. But you can't help but fall for him anyway. I don't blame Nanami for it, at the very least. Who wouldn't be swept off their feet by that guy... sigh. All the characters are true to form and well done. I would have liked to see a little more from Mikage and Otohiko, but again their lack of appearances is true to form with the manga. The art style is nice. It's not hugely special, but it's well done nonetheless, and I believe it suits the series very well. No complaints there. Overall it's just a very sweet series. I would highly recommend this series to shoujo fans, but I think that's as far as my recommendation would extend. I can't imagine that those who don't typically enjoy shoujo would enjoy this. But, each to their own, right? Give it a go, by all means, for something a little different~
Gakuen Heaven (学園ヘヴン)
This is another BL series. Although, at first I was hesitant to call it BL. At it's core, yes it is BL. But other than some purposefully misleading innuendos at the beginnings of the episodes, and then a two second kiss at the VERY END of the series, there isn't really any juicy BL content. But then again, yes, the two main characters love each other, and they're both guys. So I suppose ultimately, that makes it BL. I've read the manga (again, haven't played the game but I wish I could), and it's fairly explicit, so I was expecting at least a little more kissing or something. So at first I was super disappointed by this lack of action, and it gave me a bad impression of the anime as a whole. However, thinking about it now, in hindsight, it actually wasn't all that bad a series. I mean, it grabbed my attention enough for me to watch the whole thing in one day, so that's not a bad sign. The story is actually rather sweet, and I guess because there isn't really any focus on BL elements, it means you pay more attention to the story. In a way, it does center around the love Keita and Kazuki have for each other, but I'd say it's more about the mystery surrounding them - finding out who they are to each other. It isn't about their love until the last few episodes; up until that point I think they don't even realize they're in love with each other at all. The pace at which this all happens is nice, you know, the way that it all unfolds. I admit that while I only picked up this series because I was hoping it would have some nice BL elements, I actually did watch this one for the plot. It isn't the greatest series ever, but it's definitely not bad. I would probably only recommend it to fans of shounen ai, not as a "You must watch this omg you have to", but more of a "You should watch this if you want, it's pretty light hearted and sweet, and it actually has something of a captivating story". But, like I mentioned, don't expect anything in terms of actual BL.
Inu x Boku SS (妖狐×僕SS)
This was another series that I remember my student really liked. So, after how much I enjoyed Kimi to Boku, I thought I'd give this one a try too. It seemed like a fairly interesting series, and I thought it sounded pretty original as far as plot goes. I've only seen up to episode 6, but I stopped watching it. I hate leaving a series unfinished, so I will get back to it, but not until I've finished some others that I enjoy more. I'm not really sure what it is about this series that put me off, but I just couldn't bring myself to like it. It didn't really draw me in from the first couple of episodes. I thought I'd really love it, but I just don't. Not even the mystery surrounding Miketsukami is enough to make me really want to watch it. However, I've read into the manga a bit, and it seems like it gets much better, so I feel like I should try to watch it again. Just, not right now. The art style is nice though; it's quite simple and appealing. Unfortunately that's all I really have to say about it. Sorry this one wasn't very helpful. I can't even make a recommendation. Maybe when I've finished it I'll come back and revise this. Until then.
Loveless (ラブレス)
I want to start by saying that, regardless of what I say here about this anime, I absolutely adore the manga for Loveless and would not hesitate to name it as one of my favourite manga series. That said, this anime is very, very disappointing. I don't even know where to start. I guess it's my fault, in a way, for having such high expectations. I mean, I love the manga, so naturally, I thought I'd love the anime, right? Wrong. I'll start with the story. Well, I would if I could. Basically, there is no story. There is no plot. This anime goes absolutely nowhere, and resolves nothing in the end. There are so many times throughout when you think that Ritsuka has got some leads on Seimei, and that the plot will actually progress along that storyline, but they amount to nothing. They just get dropped, meaning the story is back to square one, going nowhere. It's incredibly frustrating. The worst thing is that with the last episode, nothing is resolved. Not a single thing. This would be fine if there was a second season, but there isn't, and as far as I'm aware, there won't ever be. Leaving this ending as the most unsatisying and irritating anime ending pretty much ever. It seems like the whole damn series is just filler. As for the characters, other than Ritsuka, they're all flat. Generic. Even Soubi. The fighter/sacrifice pairs that come after them don't get developed at all. Hell, their purpose isn't even explained. Ritsuka's friends, teacher, and therapist, even Soubi's friend Kio (who's relationship to Soubi is never explained) are also quite dull, under-developed characters. The potential for each of these characters was huge, but they just fell flat. I think Soubi's character is one of the things that disappointed me most. In the manga, it didn't take me long to understand Soubi and come to empathize with him, and love him. However, the Soubi of the anime did not even come close. Rather than being a character that just takes some warming up to, who you can see has good intentions, he just comes across as a completely selfish, inconsiderate jerk. With Ritsuka's past and all his psychological issues (like his trust issues), Soubi doesn't consider any of this and just carelessly says whatever. Promising Ritsuka that he will always answer when he calls, and then only answering 1/1000 times that Ritsuka does call, is pretty much the worst thing he could do. Lying to Ritsuka when he's promised that he'll never lie. Spouting "I love you" without acting upon it. I felt so sorry for Ritsuka for the entire series, and just wanted to punch Soubi. He's certainly not the Soubi we all know and love. He's so damn annoying and frustrating. The artwork for this anime was okay. Average, nothing special. The character designs were alright. The colouring I feel was way off though. The backgrounds and scenery were dull. I'm aware that this anime was made while only volumes 1-4 of the manga were out, but I don't think that's much of an excuse. It's only 12 episodes, and other series manage to come up with something decent based upon few chapters of manga. As a whole, this series was just no good. Which is a huge let down, to the fans, and mostly to Koga-san. Her manga is beautiful, thought-provoking and very unique and special, none of which is shown through this anime. I would not recommend this series. To anyone. Rather than wasting your time watching it, I instead urge you to read the manga. It's really brilliant, and much more than just your average shounen ai. Please just read it, and don't judge the series based upon the anime alone. That would be the biggest mistake you could make.
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings (戦国BASARA)
Do I have to explain it. I guess I should try. I love the Samurai Warriors/Warriors Orochi video games, so all of the characters are familiar to me (I know, it's not based off of those games but whatever). It's fucking kickass and you know it. This is probably the most action-based series I like. Like, the fighting scenes in this series are just so damn over the top, it's insane. But it's still good, in a strange way. It's not just the fighting that's OTT, the characters are all so damn dramatic, too. Actually, every single thing in this series is so fucking ridiculous, that it's somehow brilliant. The series does have some very funny moments, too, particularly the interactions between Yukimura and Takeda. Seriously, I wasn't expecting it. Those moments are hilarious. You know, the "Yukimura!!!" "My Lord!!!" scenes. I almost cry from laughing every. Single. Time. I almost DIED from laughing when they introduced Tadakatsu... I mean, seriously, fans have named him Hondam! It's so fucking absurd that it's like a stroke of genius. You can't help but love it. I really don't know what else to say about this series. It's unexpectedly captivating, I found myself becoming really attached to the characters. This is a series that is intense from the very beginning, and it continues to build on that tension. The plot is pretty good. It's like a video game plot, with added drama and interactions. And it's based upon historical events, but made a hundred times more badass. I love historical series, so for me this one is really cool. Even if it is waaaay too over the top. The artwork and character designs are actually very good and tastefully done, though. The background scenery is really pretty. I wish I could talk more about other elements like the plot, but the action overpowers pretty much everything. I'd be hesitant to recommend this series to people who usually aren't into shounen/action/fighting series, and I'm tempted to say that I think in general this is a series that guys are more likely to really enjoy. That being said, I usually don't like series with this amount of action, but I really enjoy this one. So it's up to you to decide whether or not Sengoku Basara is for you. I would urge you to give it a go before dismissing it though. It will give you a laugh, if nothing else.
Hakuōki -Shinsengumi Kitan- (薄桜鬼 〜新選組奇譚〜)
Also a series that my student liked and recommended to me. I've only seen the first episode of this one, and I don't really know much more about it, but I am really looking forward to continuing it. The heroine seems likable, and not irritating, which is always a plus. There's a whole bunch of differently attractive guys. And it's in a historical setting, which to me makes anime guys 10000x sexier. There isn't really much to complain about with this one. I'll probably come back and edit this when I've watched more of the series, because I'm sure I'll have much more to say.
Hetalia: The Beautiful World
This doesn't need explaining. Fucking Hetalia. You think this damn series can't get any more bizarre, and then The Beautiful World rolls along. I've seen the other two series as well. I think one of the good things about this series is that, it doesn't really matter if you don't remember what has happened previously. Because often the next episode will be on a completely different topic. Even if it is still on the same subject as the last one, you can still understand what is going on... by not understanding at all. That probably doesn't make any sense, but I can't really think how else to put it. It's just so nonsensical and random, but it really is one the funniest series I have ever watched. Every single episode has me laughing hysterically. Which is pretty impressive, considering they're only five minutes long each. That's another good thing about Hetalia. They're really light and easy to watch, and it's very easy to catch up on the series! And how damn cute is the ending song! Not just for Beautiful World, but for all of them! Italy is so freaking adorable. I feel like I should mention the historical aspect and stuff, but other than saying that it is actually historically accurate and has very clever and funny ways of portraying it, there isn't much else to say. Hell, I really don't know what else to say about it at all. It's just so good (and has GREAT shipping aspects to it too kekeke). Of course, I recommend this series without a doubt. One hundred percent. Although I think I should say that Hetalia generally tends appeals more to females than to males... I wonder why //sarcasm
Tegami Bachi (テガミバチ)
It was the art style that drew me to this one. I picked up the first volume of the manga in a book store, and was in awe of how beautiful the artwork was. I was so surprised to find out that it's a shounen series! I can't really say much more about it yet, because I've only seen the first episode, and I've refrained from finding out anything more about it, other than it's basic plot. Which, by the way, is an incredibly unique and intriguing plot. The anime is kind of long though, so even though I already love it from the first episode, it's going to have to wait. It's one that I'll be working through slowly, I think. But I know I'm really going to like it. I have a good feeling.
Durarara!! (デュラララ!!)
I first heard about this series quite a while ago now. I feel like this is another one of those "who hasn't watched this" series. It's about time I got around to watching it, then, huh? I've only seen the first episode of this one too, and right now I'm really puzzled, but curious as to where it's going to go. I honestly can't even begin to imagine what this series is going to be like, and what is going to happen. I know nothing about the plot or the characters, so I'll just have to watch and find out, won't I? I don't have a clue as to whether or not I'll like it, I can't tell what kind of series this is. But I do have a pretty good feeling about it, you know. I'm excited to keep watching.
See you next time! Hopefully I'll have a normal post for you~
I first heard about this series quite a while ago now. I feel like this is another one of those "who hasn't watched this" series. It's about time I got around to watching it, then, huh? I've only seen the first episode of this one too, and right now I'm really puzzled, but curious as to where it's going to go. I honestly can't even begin to imagine what this series is going to be like, and what is going to happen. I know nothing about the plot or the characters, so I'll just have to watch and find out, won't I? I don't have a clue as to whether or not I'll like it, I can't tell what kind of series this is. But I do have a pretty good feeling about it, you know. I'm excited to keep watching.
Shingeki no Kyojin (進撃の巨人)
What a better way to finish this than with Shingeki no Kyojin. Wow. Where do I even begin with this series. Let's just keep in mind, that I suck and no matter what I say, I'll never be able to this series any justice. Ok. This series has seemed (to me at least) to grow in popularity very, very quickly. One minute nobody knows about it, next thing it's all anyone can talk about it. And that is for very good reason. I first heard about this series about a month ago. I immediately became interested... to say the least. This is something that I have never seen done before, this is a story that is so original and intriguing, that whether or not you want to, you become insanely curious and you have to know more. I don't usually go for horror anime or anything, so when I first read about it I was a little scared. But, at the same time, my curiosity was piqued, and it was only a matter of time (i.e. later that same day) before I had to start watching it. Thankfully, it's not too gory, although there is a fair amount of blood. I've seen some manga caps, and they are much more graphic. I'm very interested in reading the manga too, so I'll be picking it up soon. The art style is actually quite interesting too. I don't think I've seen art like this with any other series, particularly character design and perspective shots. For such a grim series, it's really beautifully done. The landscapes are gorgeous, the Titans are disgusting. It's so conflicting and contradictory that it's in perfect harmony. I know that doesn't make sense, but I can't really word it properly. I think some of the most satisfying scenes are the ones where the characters are zipping around on their 3D Maneuver Gear. Those are some of the coolest, most breath taking shots I've ever seen. Unfortunately, there isn't always much of a chance to enjoy them, as they're quite fast paced and if you blink you'll miss the stunning visual work. This is a very well done anime, the visual style and effects are in a league of their own. Also, how cool an invention is the Maneuver Gear? It's so creative. Despite there being quite a lot of action in this series, it's not difficult to follow, and it's never unnecessary, unlike a lot of other shounen series. That is to say, this series is anything but your typical, run of the mill shounen. Do I even need to mention how fucking brilliant the opening song choice/animation sequence is? No, I don't. The characters themselves are wonderful. Even at only 12 episodes, they're extremely well-developed, and that's not just the three main characters. You become very attached to most of these characters, which, by the way, is probably not a recommended thing to do, considering how quickly and ruthlessly this series is to kill them off. Really, this series is ruthless. It's brutal. It will wear you down emotionally and mentally. The endless tension and suspense will have you ripping your hair out. You'll wish you never watched it. But for some reason you will keep coming back for more. You won't be able to let it go. It's an experience, all right. But it's so worth it in every way. I could go on forever about this series, but in the end the best thing to do is to watch it for yourself. Like I mentioned, it's only up to episode 12, so it won't be hard to catch up. Hell, you can catch up in a day or two. Honestly, it will be the most frustratingly fulfilling thing you could do with a day. Watch it. Don't question it. Just do it.
And that brings me to the end of my current adventures in anime! There's plenty that I still have to watch, so I'll go do that now, huh.
Oh, also! It's less than a week until Free! (aka Swimming Anime). I don't know about you guys, but I'm flipping my shit. So keen! Bring it on! 8D
See you next time! Hopefully I'll have a normal post for you~
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