Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Stop the time~

What's uuuup~
This post is going to be back to my usual. Whether or not that's a good thing, I'm not entirely sure. My past three posts have been better received than any of my others (ie my anime and PIECE post). So, it would seem that my 'usual' isn't the best way to go. Honestly, I wouldn't mind just continuing to write about anime and such, as I actually really enjoyed it. But at the same time, there's a little more to my life than just anime, and while it isn't ever all that exciting, it's still my life, you know? And I want to write about those things too. After all, this is my personal blog. I've always believed it to be a place where I can word vomit and rant and just get anything and everything off of my chest. That being said, I will definitely be doing more anime posts in the near future.

Oh yeah! I want to talk about this before I forget. About two months ago, I finally caved and, wait for it... made a Tumblr. I KNOW I'M REALLY FUCKING LATE OK BUT FOR SO LONG I WAS JUST LIKE NO LEAVE ME ALONE. But I pretty much lurked in the background without actually having a Tumblr for like, over a year, so I figured I should just get over it and sign up. And I regret nothing. Absolutely nothing. So if you're interested, my Tumblr Stop the time. It's multi-fandom, and I do reblog BL/yaoi/NSFW. Fair warning. I pretty much just reblog a shit tonne of Shingeki no Kyojin (mostly Ereri/Riren), Karneval, and a bit of Free! and Adventure Time stuff. I know it's really plain, but I don't really care too much about the layout of the actual blog. The dashboard is where it all happens, anyway. I just prefer simple things when it comes to layouts and stuff. That should be apparent from the layout of this blog, and my Twitter. Anyway! Follow me if you would like, I'll follow back! Probably... so long as we have some things in common.

Anyway I've realized that I really don't have anything interesting to post about. Ehhh sorry about that! I guess I'll just do a really small pic spam with some things that I've been doing recently. It's small because I haven't actually been taking that many photos lately. Also, there aren't really any outfit photos as I've been lacking inspiration lately and haven't been as bothered with my outfits.

I went and got my nails done, again by Satomi at S's Nail. This is one of my absolute favourite nail designs. I will definitely be getting it again one day, maybe in the reverse. Ah, but my nails were longer this time so they grew out reeeally quickly and got kind of annoying. 

Idk. I found this picture in one of the magazines at my nail place (it's also a hair salon) and I just found it really funny. It was a Japanese guys hair style magazine, but I think this was a section on eyebrow styling or something. Honestly, I was just looking through it to scope the hot Japanese guys while waiting for my appointment.

This seems to be the only outfit photo I've taken lately... OTL
Well, I did really like this outfit, so I guess it's ok. 

I also really liked how my makeup turned out that day. Not that you can actually see it. I'm sorry, iPod cameras are crap quality. 

Went out for dinner to a little local Japanese restaurant. I love it there, the food is cheap and so good. Their green tea ice cream is the best~ 

Then the other day I went and had my nails done again. It was about a month after my last time. I went for a much more simple design this time, mostly because it was much cheaper, but also because with the base gel being clear, it won't be noticeable when they grow out. I actually really love them, they're so pretty. 

Other than a few other small outings here and there, and going to work, I haven't done all that much. I'm still pretty much just watching anime all of the time. I also bought the Sims 3 University recently, so that's taking up lots of my time too. Oh, I have had lots of new music though! 

Grimoire, album from Nocturnal Bloodlust. Before even getting to the music, I just want to say that this album is one of the most beautifully designed albums I've ever had the pleasure of owning. It's so stunning. That photo does it absolutely no justice. As for the music, well. It's Nokubara. These guys are so amazingly talented and so fucking kick ass. I can't even make the words to describe how GOOD this album is. It's just... ugh perfect from beginning to end. 

Satellite Cube, mini album from PIECE. This is it! We waited a year for this. And they did not disappoint. I'm going to be honest, when I heard about all the changes that were happening with PIECE, I was a little worried. I was worried that they wouldn't be PIECE anymore, that they'd lose that special something (whatever it is, I'm not sure) about them that made me fall in love with them. This mini though... it's easily one of my favourite releases of the year. It's absolutely perfect. They pull of the whole, space android thing so, so well. It actually suits them much more than their previous style. That being said, when I listened to this for the first time, I felt this rush of relief. Because, despite how much they'd changed, in every song, I could still hear 'PIECE'. I love every song on this mini. They have all improved so much, they've come so far. I feel like finally, their talent is shining. And I couldn't be happier, I couldn't be more proud. 

GIGA, album from Jackman. About this one, actually... I haven't listened to it all that much yet. I'M SORRY. I got this album around the time that I started watching anime again, and in all honestly I haven't been listening to much music since then. Anime is pretty much taking up all my time and head space... But I will sit down and listen to it properly very soon! It's Jackman, so I already know it's going to be fantastic.

Nanda Collection, album from Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. I missed out on Pamyu Pamyu Revolution, so there was no way I was going to miss out on this one. I don't really know what to say about this one. She's just so brilliant. This album is so much fun. It's just great, ok, she's great and asdfghjkl;

So yeah, that's pretty much all that's been going on with me. I'm sorry, this post was really fucking boring. I guess I really should just stick to passionately ranting about anime. 

Now Playing - milk tune. by SuG